Information and Communication Expert

Gender Monitoring Office (GMO) is a Public Institution with the mandate to monitor progress towards gender equality and equity with the aim of ensuring that the fundamental principles of Gender Equality are respected in all organs at governmental, private, non governmental and religious levels.
The Government of Rwanda, One UN Rwanda and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) jointly signed an agreement for Advancing and Sustaining Gender Equality gains in Rwanda. The joint programme aims to systematically mainstream gender dimensions in all policies, programmes and budgets for the elimination of gender disparities in order to accelerate and sustain gender equality gains in Rwanda.
It is within the above context; the Gender Monitoring Office would like to invite candidates to apply on the post of Information and Communication expert.
Work duration:  One year renewable
 Job Title: Information and Communication Expert (1)
  • Design and coordinate GMO internal and external communication strategy;                                   
  • Support and guide the and public preparation of annual communications plans and budgets; 
  • Collect, exploit and disseminate gender related news and information from different resources including GMO field reports, researches; media reports for advocacy purposes
  • Support in identifying success stories and other themes that can be used in communication campaigns;
  • Prepare inputs for the websites and GMO social media;
  • Proofreading and fine-tuning of texts and materials to make them understandable and interesting to the targeted audiences;
  • Coordination and communication with the media for GMO promotion and visibility;
  • Maintains regular contact with international and national media and proactively ensures strategic and timely outreach to media;
  • Organize GMO press conferences and forums;
  • Collect and disseminate gender best practices for information sharing and replication;
  • Any other duties assigned by the Executive secretary.
Job Requirements and Particularities
Masters/A0 in journalism, communication sciences
Qualification and Experience of job holder
  • At least 7 years experience for (A0) and 5 years for (Masters) of proven and related experience in the field of information sharing and communication with a wide range of stakeholders.    
Interested candidates are invited to submit their proposals and updated CVs including three ( 3) referees, one copy of academic paper, the work testimonials and a copy of national ID no later than 28th April 2014, 4:00 pm at Gender Monitoring Office (Gishushu) in Global House Building. Details of Experience and competencies visit GMO website or GMO office notice board.
For further clarifications, please call 0788520268/0788307528. Online applications are not accepted. Done at Kigali, 21st  April, 2014
Executive Secretary
Information and Communication Expert Information and Communication Expert Reviewed by Unknown on 5:11:00 AM Rating: 5
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