Be a central part of Tanzania’s agricultural transformation – the SAGCOT Center Ltd. are looking for top-tier talent to join our team at the forefront of public and private sector development of Tanzania. Candidates must have strong analytical abilities and communication skills, an excellent academic record, and a passion for development. Those with at least 3 years driving experience in a reputable organisation are strongly encouraged to apply
Launched in Dar es Salaam at the World Economic in 2011, the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT) is an international public private partnership that aims to transform agricultural in Tanzania’s Southern Corridor. Partners include local and international companies, farmers, development partners, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and the Tanzanian Government. By 2030, the partnership aims to attract USD 3.2 billion of investments, transforming 350,000 hectares of arable land into profitable production and lifting 10,000 small scale farmers into commercial farming.
SAGCOT Centre Ltd. functions as the operational hub, promoting investments in inclusive, sustainable commercial value chains. The SAGCOT Centre Ltd. is also a neutral broker and catalyst that links different agriculture stakeholders in order to help achieve major economic growth in Tanzania.
SAGCOT Centre Ltd. is currently seeking to fill the role of Driver; a dynamic and motivated professional, with the analytical and communication skills to play a central role in driving the success of the organization. Full details below:

Full Time Position: Driver

Job Purpose:
The driver will be based in Iringa and will assist in providing safe and reliable transportation for project staff, visitors and materials, keeps the project vehicle/s in good mechanical and functional condition, ensures compliance with all vehicle-related legal and institutional /management requirements.

Full Time Position: Office Administrator

Job Purpose:
As a member of the operations team, he/she will contribute in provision of high quality services and support in Human Resources, Administration, procurement, IT systems and general administrative processes within SAGCOT Centre ensuring service-orientation and customer centrism. He/she will be based in the Iringa office and will play an operational and office assistance role by performing a variety of administrative functions of the office

Full Time Position: Office Administrator

Job Purpose: As a member of the operations team, he/she will contribute in provision of high quality services and support in Human Resources, Administration, procurement, IT systems and general administrative processes within SAGCOT Centre ensuring service-orientation and customer centrism. He/she will be based in the DAR office and will play an operational and office assistance role by performing a variety of administrative functions of the office.

Full Time Position: Business Development Specialist

Job Purpose: Assist the Cluster Coordinator in the implementation of cluster development activities in the Ihemi cluster (Njombe and Iringa districts).
NAFASI ZA KAZI SAGCOT NAFASI ZA KAZI SAGCOT Reviewed by Unknown on 12:01:00 AM Rating: 5
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