Position: Communication Specialist
Duty station: Dodoma (30 % of time outside of office in the field )
Employment rate:  100%
Qualification: Bachelor degree in Journalism, Mass Communication, Public Relations, Business Administration or other related fields
  • Proven ability to design/write and edit a wide range of materials including speeches, leaflets, briefing papers, web pages, press releases, newsletters and in-depth reports
  • Proven experience of preparing and ‘selling’ stories for publication to secure coverage
  • Ability to use digital media, such as web, email and social media, to influence and build support (experience of working with html/content management systems is desirable)
  • Experience of developing and delivering high impact powerpoint presentations

NAFASI ZA KAZI DODOMA NAFASI ZA KAZI DODOMA Reviewed by Unknown on 6:39:00 AM Rating: 5
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