Head of Campaigns and Advocacy ActionAid International

The Head of Campaigns and Advocacy takes overall leadership on achieving ActionAid International’s global strategy ambition to become a more effective campaigning force, improving the impact of our local and national campaigning work as well as implementing multi-country campaigns to address the structural causes of poverty. This role promotes an integrated and strategic approach to campaigning, making full and effective use of our research, policy analysis, lobbying, coalition-building, communications, and mobilising capacities. The Head of Campaigns and Advocacy connects with key external allies and represents AA as needed. The incumbent will ensure that the organisation develops and invests in campaigning systems, skills, research and advocacy, and builds creative tools to link, organise and energise our partners and supporters at all levels and to achieve our target of 5 million supporters and 5 million youth actions worldwide.

Application Procedures:
Further information on this position can be obtained from our website at

Applications should be sent with your CV, motivation cover letter and two names of your nominated referees to:programmes.jhb@actionaid.org by no later than the 10th February 2011. Please clearly indicate which position you are applying for.

Although all applications will be considered on their individual merit, suitably qualified women are especially encouraged to apply.

Head of Campaigns and Advocacy ActionAid International Head of Campaigns and Advocacy ActionAid International Reviewed by Unknown on 8:47:00 AM Rating: 5

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