Job Reference Number
Job Type
International Development Assistance/Emerging Markets
Job Location
Africa; Sudan
Job Summary
Cardno Emerging Markets (UK) Ltd have been shortlisted for the upcoming DFID funded project "Water for Eastern Sudan - Urban Component". The project aims to provide a comprehensive programme design for the rehabilitation and expansion of water and sanitation systems in Port Sudan. The project is scheduled to commence in January 2014 for a duration of 12 months.
Key Responsibilities
The consultant will work with the team leader and economist to prepare detailed itemized project cost estimates and financing plan. Prepare a program to implement the proposed schemes including detailed budgets. Conduct financial analyses based on the requirements of international financing agencies and assess the budgetary implications and fiscal impact of the financing requirements of the proposed project on the executing agency in particular the recurrent expenditures of operating and maintaining the project to ensure the sustainability of the project. Undertake financial projection of the project’s owner, including budgetary revenue and expenditure to appraise its future budget position and financial capacity for covering the recurrent expenditures of the project.
The Financial Specialist should have a minimum of 8 years’ experience in the preparation of infrastructure projects with professional qualifications in economic, accounting or an equivalent discipline.
Other Requirements
To submit your application, please click the Apply Online button to create an account or log into your existing Cardno account.
Cardno offers an excellent compensation and benefits package. Cardno is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Employee Benefits
Financial Specialist (Capital and Operating Cost and Project Packaging)
Reviewed by Unknown
3:58:00 AM