To combat this pandemic, APOPO developed a unique diagnostic technology, based on the olfactory capacity of trained giant African Pouched rats. The method can be deployed in a fast and efficient manner to evaluate large numbers of human sputum samples for the presence of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. APOPO’s successful TB research and operations warrant the expansion of the technology. To facilitate this expansion, APOPO is seeking for a senior TB expert as an advisor for its TB department.
Both full time or part time candidates will be considered, but the position would require regular travel to Tanzania, Mozambique and participation in conferences and meetings.
Interested candidates please email CV and cover letter to:
ROLE TITLE Expert Technical Advisor, TB Detection
1. To support the development of APOPO’s TB Detection department in line with the strategic goals of the organization;
2. To disseminate and promote APOPO’s TB detection technology globally;
3. To supervise and support the implementation of APOPO’s TB detection operations;
4. To review APOPO TB research strategies and ensure its quality.
Relevant University degree:
- MD with specialization in TB and/or infectious disease diagnostics
- MSc / PhD in Biomedical Sciences or related fields
- >10 years field experience in health care & development cooperation
- Experience in TB health programs and diagnostic research
- Have a wide network established within the global medical and TB community
1 Develop APOPO’s TB department strategy in accordance to the strategic goals
- Support the development of yearly, medium and long term strategies for APOPOs TB program;
- Participate in the development of APOPOs TB detection service provision business models for applicable niche markets;
- Advice on service delivery and implementation methods using TB detection rats in 2nd and 1st line screening.
2 Promote APOPO’s TB detection technology within the global medical community
- Develop a strategy for technology validation and accreditation by relevant national and international authorities;
- Develop a strategy to promote APOPO’s TB detection technology close to health policy makers;
- Represent APOPO on selected international health fora.
3 Supervise APOPOs TB detection technology to ensure its overall quality is state of the art and complies with best diagnostic and research practices
- Review and revise SOPs and other operational documents as appropriate;
- Advise on research strategy and oversee the design of experiments;
- Review and supervise procedures to make sure they comply with best practices;
- Ensure operational synergy between APOPOs TB detection programs;
- Review and document the agreements with implementing partners looking for appropriate procedures to effectively implement TB detection rats technology and QC procedures;
- Assist in the publication of APOPO TB research activities and results in scientific journals.
4 Provide operational support to APOPO TB programs
- Visit APOPO's operational TB programs periodically to ensure efficient implementation and quality control of the programs, and report any discrepancies or necessary operational adjustments to the CEO and program directors;
- Explore and evaluate opportunities for new programs, conduct fact-finding missions and liaise with National Health Authorities and other relevant stakeholders;
- Assist in the recruitment of TB program managers or researchers.
5 Raise funds
- Collaborate in fund raising activities for ongoing and new TB programs;
- Attend selected conferences and meetings where potential donors may be present;
- Establish and maintain contact with donors;
- Explore potential partnerships with research organizations and other partners;
- Review main project proposals and progress reports to TB program donors, to ensure quality and accuracy.
6 Be an advisor to the management team
- Provide bi-monthly updates for the management report;
- Participate in the management meetings on request;
- Report new relevant scientific strategic and operational developments, competitive technologies or opportunities to the management team;
- Report on general TB diagnostic trends and opportunities;
- Inform the management team about concerns on APOPOs TB programs and opportunities for improvement.
Job Email id: apopo(at)
Technical Advisor, TB Detection APOPO
Reviewed by Unknown
10:13:00 AM
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