Lutheran World Relief- East African Regional Office (LWR-EARO) is working with Neema and Makindu River Self Help groups to implement a 24 month-long project in Makindu District. The project, Rapid Response to Hunger and Lack of Resiliency in Eastern Kenya, was started November 25th 2009, and is scheduled to end on March 31th 2012. The main goal of this project is to bring vulnerable populations back from the brink of starvation by providing immediate access to food and water, and to avoid further expansion of the crisis by increasing resiliency and effective agricultural production in drought affected areas of Eastern Kenya.
The partners, in collaboration with the LWR-EARO, are in the process of identifying a competent consultant to conduct an end of project evaluation to determine the impact of the cash for work activities and achievement of the project objectives.
The objective of the evaluation will be to assess the overall and specific impact made by the project on the partners and beneficiaries and therefore determine the effectiveness of the intervention strategies.
Overall evaluation objectives:
Determine the extent to which the expected outcomes were achieved and how they contributed to the achievement of the project objectives Assess the effectiveness of the project approach and key strategies in achieving the project goal Identify and document both short and long term project impact and any unforeseen impact whether negative or positive Identify and document key lessons learnt from the project approach, identify what these lessons demonstrate for the replicability of the project approach and how the lessons can be used to implement related projects in the future
Specifically, the evaluation should respond to the following aspects:
•1) Outcome Achievement: Determine to what extent the intended outputs and outcomes were achieved in relation to targets set in the logical framework by reviewing project baseline and mid-term data, and developing a participatory methodology to collect new data on end-of-project results. Specifically:
•a) What progress has been made against project outputs?
•b) Present evidence of changes in measures of outcomes and outcome indicators in terms of human capital, economic capital, environmental capital and social capital targeted in the project's logframe.
•c) How did these changes contribute to achievement of the project's objectives and goal?
•d) If these outcomes were not achieved, why?
•2) Effectiveness:
• i. How effective and appropriate was the project approach?
• ii. How were the beneficiaries involved, how effective was this and what have been the benefits of or difficulties with this involvement?
• iii. How has the ongoing drought affected the partners and beneficiaries in achieving the desired project result?
•3) Impact: Details of the broader economic, social, and political consequences of the project and how it contributed to the overall objectives of the project.
• i. What was the project's overall impact and how did this compare with what was expected?
• ii. What difference has been made to the lives of those involved in the project?
• iii. Have there been any unplanned effects (both negative and positive)?
• iv. Are the results of activities sustainable and to what extent? What collaborative partnerships were explored by the partner apart from the partnership with LWR? How has/could this collaboration, and networking support sustainability?
•4) Lessons Learned/Recommendations: Key lessons learned throughout the period of the project, which can be utilized to guide future strategies or projects.
• i. Were there any significant changes in the project design or the project context between the time of project conceptualization and implementation? What were the reasons for these and what lessons can be learned from this for application elsewhere? What lessons were learned with respect to innovative project approaches that were highlighted in the project proposal?
• ii. What are recommendations for sustainability, future project design and management?
Proposed methodologies should include quantitative and qualitative approaches, in a manner suited to the time allotted and the scope of partner actions, as outlined in Section III.
Required Deliverables
•· Final methodology section (agreed following consultant selection)
•· An evaluation workplan
•· Finalized data collection/survey tools
•· A draft evaluation report
•· Final report to be presented to LWR, partner representatives and community stakeholders
Implementation period
The consultant/consultancy firm will be engaged on a short term basis to an agreed action plan for a period not exceeding twenty working (20) days and should be available immediately.
- A reliable and effective evaluator with experience in conducting participatory evaluations and a proven record in delivering professional results
- Knowledge and previous experience in evaluating agricultural, food security and/ or cash-for-work programs
- Fully acquainted with participatory methodologies for M&E
- Fluent in English and Kiswahili
- Experience in the Eastern Kenya region would be advantageous
- Only Kenya-based candidates will be considered.
The consultancy firm/consultant should provide the following:
- Capability statement - evidence of similar assignments undertaken in the last 3-5 years , resumes of key personnel and their availability to execute the assignment
- A clear proposal outlining the methodology that will be used (qualitative and quantitative).
- Proposed timeline for carrying out the tasks and submission of deliverables
- Budget/ cost proposal
- Contact details for at least 3 organizations who have engaged the applicant for similar assignments who may be contacted by LWR during the proposal review process.
Please visit for the complete listing and for application instructions.
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