Monitoring Evaluation and Leaning (MEL) officer

Monitoring Evaluation and Leaning (MEL) officer - Engaging Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and the private sector in developing advocacy agendas

Tanzania Natural Resource Forum

29 February 2016
Duty of Station: Arusha
Reporting to: Monitoring and Learning Coordinator(MLC)
Terms of Reference
To support "Engaging Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and the private sector in developing advocacy agendas" project, Tanzania Natural Resource Forum (TNRF) needs MEL officer who will join TNRF project team to undertake monitoring ,evaluation and documentation of learning cycle. As such, these Terms of Reference (TOR) describe the background, tasks and deliverables for MEL officer to provide related services.
1. Background
The central idea of Community Based Natural Resources Management (CBNRM) is for local communities to have ownership and derive benefits from natural resources. However, despite substantial opportunities, investment, and progress on community wildlife management in Tanzania, the sector is yet to meet the expectations of many stakeholders. Socio-economic benefits, governance, and conservation outcomes are not being sufficiently realized. Issues around CBNRM require coordination, research based evidence, and advocacy to raise awareness and inform stakeholders and key actors on the needs to sustainably manage resources for long-term benefits. Most actors lack data and awareness of key issues on wildlife management, and thus, are unable to make the right decision. In this project, TNRF is geared towards filling in the advocacy gap by bringing onboard CSOs and Private Sector to develop an advocacy agenda that will later be used to inform decision makers.
2.Core Responsibilities
  • To develop and implement a participatory learning, advocacy and monitoring approaches and processes, institutionalizing and making strategic use of outcome monitoring as a methodology
  • In collaboration with TNRF project coordinator to collect, analyse monitoring data and produce reports on a monthly basis for the programme.
  • To establish and maintain a learning and advocacy framework for TNRF interaction with partners and members in collaboration with MLC and Communications Coordinator .
  • To develop and maintain outcome monitoring journals; update and maintain a monitoring database.
  • To oversee proper use of the M&E tools by the field staff and other stakeholders.
  • To aid in organising  internal training workshops and other interactive sessions to build capacity in relation to the learning and advocacy framework
  • To review existing monitoring management information systems of implementing partners ,identify and advise the M&L coordinator on the support needed.
  • To coordinate collection of data by the partners and TNRF officers from the field.
  • To process and analyse the information and generate appropriate reports for management and other stakeholders.
  • To assist the prepare monthly, quarterly and annual reports (in collaboration with the Strategic Area Coordinators and project Officers), for submission to the Executive Director and presentation at regular quarterly staff meetings on outcome monitoring for validation and integration into learning mechanisms.
  • To analyse information and document lessons learned from the monitoring reports and suggests areas for improvement.
  • To assess institutional performance in achieving strategic objectives in all program areas.
  • To assist in identifying the need, drawing up the ToR, and conducting/or supervising all evaluation and Impact studies.
3. Outputs
The MEL officer will be responsible for the following output:-
  • Promote the TNRF vision and objectives of the project  to stakeholders  Learning, advocacy and monitoring approaches and processes, developed a learning and advocacy framework for TNRF established and in use by the Working Groups, projects and programmes.
  • Assessments of the natural resource sector functioning and strategies developed.
  • Thematic synthesis of topical/controversial issues generated.
  • Lesson learnt from previous advocacy and learning experiences in Tanzania and the regions generated.
  • The lessons from TNRF projects are shared with the relevant stakeholders (i.e. local government, central government, parliament, CSOs).
  • Effective programme monitoring and evaluation.
  • Effective, timely and accurate donor reporting.
  • Institutional programme monitoring and learning carried out.
4. Required qualifications and desired attributes
MEL officer will have the following broad skill-set and attributes :-         
  • Degree in relevant discipline (e.g. natural resource management, rights based development/advocacy, Community/rural Development). Advanced degree will be an added advantage.
  • A diploma with exceptional experience and competence will be considered.
  • USAID Monitoring and Evaluation experience is desirable but not necessary.
  • A thorough knowledge of Logical Framework Analysis, and knowledge of Organisational Development Issues.
  • Knowledge of outcome monitoring.
  • Good contextual knowledge of local issues, community priorities and social and cultural constraints and realities.  the latest developments in the M&E field, including proven experience in participatory methodologies such as PRA.
  •  Experience in inter-institutional collaboration, at both government and non-government levels, in a local and national setting.
  • At least two years of experience in: participatory assessment and monitoring, community training, data collections, and monitoring and design experience.
  • Excellent facilitation and training skills and experience including participatory and interactive methodologies.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills, with the ability to network and to develop and maintain strong relationships at all levels with local communities, government agencies, the business community, the not- for- profit sector and the TNRF network.
  • A strong communicator in English and Kiswahili, able to support the advancement of the TNRF Membership as a broad civil-society community in the pursuit of improved natural resource management, sustainable development and better conservation outcomes.
  •  Keen interest in and commitment to advancing the rights of minority/indigenous communities, particularly in relation to their territories, areas and natural resources.
  • Willingness to travel on a regular basis and work with local organisations and communities in remote areas , flexible, able to take initiative and prioritize amongst competing demands.
  • Computer literate in word processing, Excel, Power Point, Research packages and data processing or analysis Experience in using web-based tools to enhance communication capacity is an added advantage.
5. Terms of Contract
This is a project funded position for which a full and attractive package commensurate with the nature of the position will be offered, renewable on the basis of performance and availability of funds.
How to Apply: 
 Interested Candidates for this job are kindly requested to send their CV accompanied by a cover letter to

Monitoring Evaluation and Leaning (MEL) officer Monitoring Evaluation and Leaning (MEL) officer Reviewed by Unknown on 2:18:00 AM Rating: 5
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