Senior Economic Policy Advisor , East Africa Trade and Investment Hub


The East Africa Trade and Investment Hub (EATIH) is intended to spur inclusive economic growth by promoting an enabling environment for trade and investment and increasing East African trade and investment, particularly to and from the United States. The project will build upon prior investments to increase regional trade competitiveness and reduce poverty.
The Senior Economic Policy Advisor will provide leadership and day-to-day management for activities designed to improve competitiveness and the policy environment for trade, agriculture, and investment. S/he will design and facilitate activities to improve regional integration and investment. The Senior Economic Policy Advisor will engage with public and private sector partners and stakeholders across the East African Community to facilitate the harmonization, implementation, and uptake of policy reforms. The position is based in Nairobi, Kenya with extensive regional travel.
The Senior Economic Policy Advisor will be responsible for, but not limited to, the following detailed tasks:
  • Guide and manage technical strategy and activities to catalyze reforms under Component 4: Policy Environment for EAC Integration, Trade, and Investment Improved and Implemented.
  • Oversee and direct overall assistance to the EAC and the EAC Partner States and especially representative business associations, sector specific trade associations and other organized groups to support expanded trade and investment in the EAC region.
  • Oversee and direct overall assistance to the EAC and EAC Partner States to support stimulation, protection and retention of investment in the region, specifically through advancing investment-facilitating reforms.
  • Lead collaboration with other development partners and implementing institutions that support trade, investment and regional integration to leverage value in the implementation of trade policy assignments.
  • Oversee and direct overall assistance to support EAC Partner State implementation of WTO obligations on trade facilitation, technical barriers to trade and sanitary and phyto-sanitary measures. 
  • Oversee and direct overall assistance to improve the regulatory management systems, procedures, and institutions in the region, including building networks to advocate and drive reforms.
  • Oversee technical assistance for EAC and other RECs to improve trading of goods and services within the region.
  • Lead the review process of harmonized agricultural trade policies, their domestication at national level as well as monitoring their applicability and implementation.
  • Master’s degree in economics, public policy, international trade, trade law/policy, political economy, or related area; Ph.D. strongly preferred.
  • At least ten years of relevant experience, five of which should be in developing countries preferably in Africa.
  • At least five years of experience (strongly preferred over five years’ experience) analyzing, implementing, and working to improve trade policy and global competitiveness in developing countries, preferably in Africa.
  • At least five years of experience managing and coordinating policy improvement and implementation activities considering stakeholder buy- in/consensus, advocacy for reform, and institutional change management.
  • Strongly preferred experience serving in an advisory capacity to high-level government officials on trade policy and global competitiveness issues.
  • Demonstrated ability to work collaboratively with institutional and private sector partners and stakeholders in a multi-country setting.
  • Ability to use the latest ICT technology and computer software programs.
  • Excellent English writing and communication skills.
  • The Senior Economic Policy Advisor will supervise the Component 4 team.
  • The Senior Economic Policy Advisor will report to the Chief of Party.
Senior Economic Policy Advisor , East Africa Trade and Investment Hub Senior Economic Policy Advisor , East Africa Trade and Investment Hub Reviewed by Unknown on 12:45:00 AM Rating: 5
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