With a mission to restore health and healing to those most in need, IMA World Health is a non-profit, faith-based organization that offers extensive expertise in health systems strengthening as well as neglected tropical diseases, malaria, HIV, non-communicable diseases, and sexual and gender based violence programs in some of the most challenging and post-conflict settings throughout Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean.

IMA world Health in partnership with Nutrition in Tanzania (PANITA) and Development Media International (DMI) will be implementing a five year program (from 2015 to 2019/2020) for Addressing Stunting in Tanzania Early (ASTUTE), to improve early childhood development and reduce the prevalence of stunting (low height for age) among Tanzanian children under 5 years old with focus on the first 1000 days of life from conception.

The anticipated DFID-funded project in Tanzania will be implemented in 5 regions of Kagera, Mwanza, Shinyanga, Geita and Kigoma in collaboration with Local Government Authorities and other multi sectoral stakeholders to support the National nutrition Strategy and will look, specifically to 1) support interventions to build knowledge, change attitudes, strengthen practice and expand services 2) retrain health facility and community level resource persons to ensure community engagement 3) deliver overall nutrition components and build the capacity of DNuOs and District trainers 4) build capacity for planning, programming, budgeting and financial management to sustainably address stunting.

The Behavior Change and Communication Officer (BCC Officer) will be based in one of the 4 regions of Geita, Shinyanga, Kagera and Kigoma.

The officer will apply his/her technical expertise in BCC strategies to change the behaviors, beliefs and social norms of communities towards child feeding and other factors that contribute to child stunting such as hygiene and sanitation, child care practices, maternal nutrition, household food security, birth spacing, social cultural practices and women and empowerment, with special focus to district and community leaders, health service providers, community health workers, mothers and care givers of children aged 6 months to 2 years.

The officer will be working closely with Development Media International (DMI) and PANITA’S CSO partners, local media, project nutritionists, and Government Regional Nutrition Officers and District Nutrition Officers and must be able to work with multi-sectoral stakeholders in the districts implementing BCC activities. The officer will also support conceptualization of formative research, KAP study and guide preparations of behavior change communication messages, campaigns, tools and materials.

Understand ASTUTE’s main areas of focus in addressing child stunting and identify areas that need behavior change interventions.
Participate in introducing ASTUTE to the target regions and districts.
Participate in developing tools and implementing formative research in the districts to guide formulation of unified BCC messages for local radios, sensitization trainings, campaigns and educational materials.
Build the capacity of CSO’s, nutritionists, and district trainers, on BCC strategies applicable in all factors that contribute to child stunting for further training to community leaders, health service providers, community health workers, mothers and care givers of children from ages 6 months to 2 years.
Participate in guiding behavior change of mothers and care givers towards infant and young child feeding practices and other factors that contribute to child stunting through supportive supervision and capacity building to health service providers, community health workers and CSO members.
Create demand for antenatal care services (dietary diversity, iron, folic acid supplements) by women of reproductive age through the development of innovative BCC strategies and interpersonal communications.
In coordination with the M&E Officer and Nutrition Officers, participate in monitoring surveys for BCC indicators by collecting relevant BCC data aimed at assessing achievements of project targets.
Conduct regular supportive supervision to CSO’s and provide technical support as needed.
Report to the BCC Specialist about any challenges in implementation of BCC activities and suggest ways to overcome them.
Prepare weekly, monthly and quarterly reports.
Perform any other activities as requested by nutrition advisor.
Identify successes achieved through project implementation and write success stories for dissemination.

Specific Skills Required
Understands BCC concepts.
Adequate communication skills.
Experienced in designing and producing BCC tools, messages, materials and implementing BCC activities.
Experienced in developing and implementing informative research.
Understands the use of mass media in BCC strategies.
Must be a team player.
Must be a creative and innovative thinker.
Must be able to implement new and innovative BCC campaigns that bring about change.
Basic knowledge in public health and nutrition activities.
Must possess training and documentation skills.

Academic Qualifications and Experience
The candidate must have a bachelor’s degree in communication, education, nutrition, public health or relevant disciplines with more than two years of experience in implementing community based BCC / social marketing activities/campaigns.
A master’s degree in the above fields and experience will be added advantages.

FT position with excellent benefits. EOE.  Please apply online through the IMA Careers Page of our website: by 24 March 2016.

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