Job title: Interns/ Assistant programme Officers;

Location: Countrywide at regional and district level
Interview: Immediately:
Motivations: Attractive Package
Field Works: At our Service Delivery Points/sites

Terms: Short time/F lexible and renewable, Consultant, and later adjustable to Full Time based on Best performance.

Uhai Tanzania is a national NGO working in all borders of the United republic of Tanzania, registered under Brela’s Acts since 2011 to
serve health sector. Currently we are working to build and serve dispensaries and health cantres in rural areas. We are also intervening
into education sector to serve girls from poor health. We want to create healthy girls to prevent them from maternal deaths. This UTAIFA
Talent has been sponsored by Startimes.
In place we have a great opportunity for young people who are interested in volunteer and Internship to conduct and manage, lead and
supervise, plans and implement, evaluation and research UTAIFA talents to be launched on 26 -28 February at Makongo Secondary
School, sponsored by StarTimes. You can attend it if you are interested. We will do the same in upcountry every region, every district and
in divisions and wards.
We are inviting any interested youths aged 18-35 to apply these posts. Locations will be all regions and all districts. Please you may states
your region and district of your choice and explain why in your cover letter. Fresh students and students from Universities who are having
enough time are highly encouraged to apply.
We have planned attractive motivation package for competent ones. We will call you once we receive your application, or you can call us
for immediate interview and posting. All works will be done in the fields for 98% and with flexible working environments.
Immediately we need staff who will serve on 26/2/2016, and reporting is on 21/2/2016, and ALL applicants will be train on how to do field
jobs. Other dates for other regions and district training and reporting will be planned and informed to selected ones.
Please, we need many females and we are encouraging them to apply and we need ethical men and females to apply as well.
Our jobs areas are:
1. Science teachers [classic levels] 150
2. Arts teachers [English language plus another subject] 50
3. Nutritionists 50
4. Sociologists 50
5. Nurses, doctor [medical doctor,] and other health professions 200
6. IT/experts 10
7. Gender and health/gender courses/community Development 20
8. Public Administration/Public Private partnership 6
General criteria:
1. Be self motivated
2. Ready to learn new things
3. Keeps time as asked to do
4. Computer literate
5. Fluent in English language

6. Read to work in rural areas [many jobs if we secure funds] will be rural based.

Closing date is open until December 2016 [check this date if changes occurs]. Email us your CV and cover letter only to . other profession and applicants who are ready to change career path are encouraged to apply. First we need
those who are not employed and ready to work. Please emails us and keep your phone on for our calls.

Apply to the Managing Director, Uhai Tanzania.
[updated issue 23.2.2016]
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