Geita Gold Mining Apprentice Intake 2013

Applications are invited from Young, Energetic Tanzanian Citizens with an Engineering aptitude who are residents of Geita District around the mine, to be trained over a period of three years in their relevant career ambitions.

Geita Gold Mine will be sponsoring the successful candidates in the following Trades:

  • Fitters/Machining
  • Platter/Welders
  • Electricians
  • Auto Electricians
  • Diesel Mechanics

Training will commence in August 2013.

Minimum Qualifications required:
  1. Applicants must be not older than 23 years of age
  2. Form 4 the minimum schooling level required for Fitting/Machining, Diesel Mechanics, Plating/Welding and Rigging.
  3. Form 6 for Electrical and Auto Electrical
  4. Good English skills both written and oral (compulsory as all studies will be conducted in English Media)
  5. Aptitude testing will take place for those applicants placed on the short list
  6. Must be medically fit as per company medical requirements.

Apply in confidence to the address below and submit:
  • An application letter in your own handwriting.
  • Fully typed curriculum vitae.
  • Certified copies of relevant certificates.
  • Full postal address including telephone contact details and e-mail address if any.
  • Two contactable references.

Closing date will be 30/04/2013.

The OD&HR Manager,
Geita Gold Mining Limited ,
P.O. Box 532,
Geita – Mwanza
Geita Gold Mining Apprentice Intake 2013 Geita Gold Mining  Apprentice Intake 2013 Reviewed by Unknown on 1:27:00 AM Rating: 5
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