UNDP Senior Policy Advisor

In November 2006, the UN Secretary General’s High Level Panel on System-Wide Coherence produced a set of far-reaching recommendations for UN reform aimed at improving the coherence and effectiveness of the UN system at country level. The report highlights that the UN system is not currently equipped to respond to the challenge posted by the Millennium Development Goals, due to fragmentation, duplication, high overhead costs, and lack of focus.
In January 2007, was selected as one of eight pilot countries where the ‘One UN’ models (one country, ‘One Office’, ‘One Programme’, ‘One Leader’, ‘One Budgetary Framework’) will be tried out. Around the same time the UNCT in started elaborating its second Common Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for 2008-2012, thus providing the necessary programmatic coherence for the implementation of the ‘One Programme’ model in.
As part of the reform implementation, it was agreed by Heads of Agencies that it would be necessary to strengthen the Office of the Resident Coordinator, to enable him to carry out the tasks required for the reform. It was decided that UN Policy Advisors will act as facilitators of the UNDAF Theme Groups. The Lead Agency of the UNDAF Theme Group will propose the UN Policy Advisors to the UNCT who will confirm their nomination. The Policy Advisors will however remain within their home agency but will work in close collaboration with the Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of the Resident Coordinator. The post of UN Policy Advisors helps pushing forward the idea of division of labour within the UNCT, where different agencies take on a lead role (rather than an inflated coordination system as such).
Under the guidance and direct supervision of the UN Resident Coordinator, the Senior Policy Advisor strengthens capacity of the UN Country Team, analyzes political, social and economic trends of the country and prepares notes to UN agencies in order to facilitate their support to the country. The Senior Policy Advisor provides inputs to preparation of country programming products such as the Common Country Assessment  (CCA) and United Nations Development Assistance Frameworks (UNDAFs), supports the national strategies setting, provides assistance to development and implementation of the collaborative and joint programmes and monitors progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Global Conferences, provides support to agencies without field representation to access national systems and for national counterparts to access the expertise of agencies without field representation, prepares notes of UN agencies and reports in order to facilitate diffusion and utilization within Rwanda specific context.
The Senior Policy Advisor supervises and leads the UN Coordination Unit and inter-agency M&E staff, analyses trends and reports of UN system, especially the ones of high relevance for country policy goals. The incumbent works in close collaboration with UNCT members, programme and operations teams of the Agencies and Government officials, technical advisors and experts, multi-lateral and bi-lateral donors and civil society ensuring successful implementation of UNCT activities. S/he will also oversee/monitor functioning of DRGs (Development Results Groups) and other UNCT structures such as the OMT (Operations Managers’ Team).

Duties and Responsibilities

Summary of key functions:
  • Policy Advisory/Programme Support and Delivery
  • Ensures preparation, implementation and monitoring of the RC Work Plan
  • Ensures effective advocacy of UN activities in close consultation with the UNCT
  • Ensures implementation of the resource mobilization strategy for UN agencies’ support to country development priorities
  • Ensures facilitation of knowledge building & sharing and management
Policy Advisory/Programme Support & Delivery focusing on achievement of the following results:
  • Lead the provision of policy advisory services that respond to the RCO’s needs;
  • Provide policy advice and technical guidance to and collaborate substantively with UN Agencies’ focal points to help achieve strategic goals and implement supported programmes;
  • Provide direct technical advice, capacity building and backstopping as required;
  • Provide programme support related to the design, implementation oversight and results &  M & E;
  • Contribute to developing the capacity of national counterparts in support of achieving the MDGs  and other internationally agreed development goals as it relates to the work of the RCO;
  • Exercise quality assurance for policy services in RCO / UNCT and foster policy innovation to enhance programme delivery;
  • Ensure the centrality of gender and human rights issues in the elaboration of UN policies on sustainable development and the post 2015 agenda.
  • Provide effective support to UNCT in preparation and implementation of country programming processes and products, such as UNDAP/F and UN programmes coordination
  • Thorough analysis and research of the political, social and economic situation in the country;
  • Participation in the work of the Working/Thematic Groups’ activities and preparation of inputs;
  • Preparation of high quality documents summarizing the developments in the UN agencies areas of cooperation. Provision of advice on adjusting strategies and implementation modalities;
  • Mobilize external partnerships behind UNCT initiatives;
  • Lead the design of material and promote initiatives for advocacy and policy dialogue and nurture partnerships with academia and civil society to develop the content.
Ensure preparation, implementation and monitoring of the RC Work Plan focusing on the achievement of the following results:
  • Ensures preparation of proposals for funding and drafting of the RC Work Plan and reports;
  • Provides technical support for UNCT Retreats to review the annual work plan and other UNCT meetings;
  • Ensures monitoring of the Resident Coordinator’s Office budget and other funds dedicated to UNCT activities;
  • Report on the use of the budget/funds to the UN RC and UNCT, proposal of budget revisions, approval of expenditures reports;
  • Enlists management solutions to troubleshoot programme delivery difficulties and share best practices;
  • Provides results reporting and other management obligations for corporate planning/management processes of the UN system.
  • Monitor performance of ONE UN structures to produce results
  • Supervise/coordinate work plans of RCO staff on behalf of the RC 
Ensure effective advocacy of UN activities in close consultation with the UNCT and the information/ communication focal points of the UN system focusing on the achievement  of the following results:
  • Ensures maintenance of the systematic information on the RCO’s activities;
  • Organizes regular forums and events on issues related to UN activities with media, NGOs, communities, etc.
  • Supports implementation of media and communication strategies of the UNCT, in close consultation with information/communication focal points of the UN system;
  • Collects inputs and prepares speakers’ notes, talking points, speeches for major advocacy events of the RCO in close consultation with the UNCT and partners;
  • Oversees preparation of media advisory notes and press releases.
Ensure implementation of the resource mobilization strategy for UN agencies’ support to country development priorities focusing on achievement of the following results:
  • Forges/implements successful and strategic partnerships with UN and external partner institutions – Development of partnerships with IFI’s, government institutions, private sector, academia, bi-lateral and multi-lateral donors, private sector and civil society;
  • Analyzes and researches information on donors, prepares reports on donors’ strategies and organizes
Ensure facilitation of knowledge building/sharing and management focusing on achievement of the following results:
  • Identification and synthesis of best practices and lessons learnt directly linked to country policy goals. Identification of sources of information related to coordination;
  • Provision of referral services for agencies without field representation to access national institutions and processes and for national partners to access the expertise of agencies without field representation;
  • Sound contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice;
  • Organization of trainings for UN staff on coordination issues.
  • Build links and exchanges with other UNCTs in neighbouring countries


Impacts of results
The key results have an impact on the success of the UN Country Team activities. In particular, the key results have an impact on the design and implementation of UN programme activities, strengthening of strategic partnerships for UNCT Programming including UNDAF implementation.
Corporate Competencies:
  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards
  • Advocates and promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UN
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
  • Treats all people fairly without   favoritism
Functional Competencies:
Knowledge and Learning Management
  • Shares knowledge and experience from within and outside the UN Country Team.
  • Encourages UN staff to share knowledge
  • Develops deep understanding UN System reform MDGs and UNDAF
Coordination Effectiveness
  • Ability to lead the implementation of UN programme activities, strengthening of strategic partnerships.
  • Ability to build and sustain effective partnerships with UN Agencies and main constituents, advocate effectively, communicate sensitively across different constituencies.
Management and Leadership
  • Focuses on impact and result for the client
  • Leads teams effectively and shows conflict resolution skills
  • Establishes priorities for self and other members of the RC office; schedules activities to ensure optimum use of time and resources; monitors performance against development and other objectives and corrects deviations from the course
  • In providing advice to the RC, has the capacity to gather comprehensive information on complex problems or situations; evaluates information accurately and identifies key issues required to resolve problems
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude
  • Demonstrates excellent oral and written communication skills
  • Builds strong relationships with clients and external actors
  • Remains calm, in control and good humored even under pressure
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities
  • Responds positively to critical feedback and differing points of view
  • Solicits feedback from staff about the impact of his/her own behavior

Required Skills and Experience

  • Master’s Degree or equivalent in Economics, Social Sciences, International Relations, Political Sciences or related field
  • Minimum10 years of relevant experience at the national or international level in providing management advisory services, hands-on experience in design, monitoring and evaluation of development projects.
  • Familiarity UN systems, tools and procedures required. Knowledge about the UN and RC systems would be an advantage. 
  • Demonstrated experience in design, monitoring and evaluation of development projects with sound macroeconomic and modelling background
  • Demonstrated experience in coordination and in working with NGOs and donors.
  • Demonstrated experience of writing accurate and concise reports and public presentation skills.
  • Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages, experience in handling of web based management systems is required.
  • Knowledge of donor, NGO, IFIs systems is an advantage.
  • Experience with Results Based Management principles and approaches will be an asset;
  •  Experience from Africa will be an asset.
  • Managerial experience in the UN or an international organization and familiarity with the sub-region will be an asset
  • Experience working within Post-Conflict Needs Assessment process and/or post-conflict reconstruction framework is highly desirable.
  • Sound knowledge of ATLAS is desirable
Language requirements: 
  • Full command of both English and French is required
FC: 16350
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