Team Leader - TTF

International Development Ireland was established in 1989 by the most renowned Irish economic development agencies to provide practical knowledge and hands-on experience in Private Sector Development, FDI and Export Promotion, SME Competitiveness, Innovation and Technology Transfer and Business Zones/Industrial/Technology Parks to various emerging markets. For more information please visit our website at

Team Leader
The overall objective of the Transformation Trigger Facility (TTF) is to accelerate Ethiopia’s economic transformation, and through this attain economic growth, skill development and employment creation in the manufacturing sector and contribute to the country’s goal of achieving a middle-income status by 2020-23.

IDI is looking for a Team Leader that will manage the overall implementation of the project objectives. The team leader will manage a team of experts that will:

·         Support and strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MOFED) in overall TTF project coordination (including monitoring, communication and visibility of the entire programme);
·          Provide technical support and advise to MOFED, Ministry of Industry and Addis Ababa University as well as other beneficiaries of the TTF in the design and correct and timely implementation, as well as monitoring and evaluation of all components of the project;
·         Support and advise staff in the administrative management of the TTF in line with EDF procedures – of their respective components.

Qualifications and Experience:
·         Masters degree in Economics, International Development, MBA, Finance or other relevant fields;
·         Preferably 15 but at least 10 years of relevant professional experience of EDF procedures and project management;
·         Preferably 15 but at least 10 years of involvement in successful reform efforts related to industrial development, transformation and investment promotion;
·         Preferably 10 but at least 5 years  of relevant professional experience in international cooperation;
·         Experience implementing a monitoring system for multi-disciplinary multi-beneficiary projects highly desirable;
·         Experience in countries that have recently transformed their economies highly desirable.

We are looking for highly motivated, proactive and result oriented professionals. Interested candidates are invited to submit a CV to Ms Helena Hunter Please specific the subject of your email as ‘Team Leader – Ethiopia’
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