John Snow, Inc Senior Public health Logistics Advisor

Reports to:Program Manager, National TB and Leprosy Program
John Snow, Inc. (JSI), is a contractor for United State Agency for International Development (USAID) and is working as part of the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) and other US government funded health interventions. JSI primarily endeavors to strengthen or establish secure, reliable, cost-effective, and sustainable supply chains capable of meeting the care and treatment needs of people living with and affected by HIV and AIDS, Malaria, and other diseases. In coordination with in-country and international partners, JSI assists programs to enhance their supply-chain capacity; ensure that accurate supply-chain information is collected, shared, and used; and provide quality, affordable, health care products to those who need them.
The JSI Tanzania field office SCMSUSAIDIDELIVER and MCHIP Projects are recruiting for the following positions which are full time positions. The positions will be based in Dar es Salaam with some in-country travel.  
Overall Responsibilities:
The Senior Public Health Logistics will be employed by John Snow, Inc. (JSI) on the Supply Chain Management System (SCMS) project and embedded at National TB and Leprosy Program Offices technical support in the procurement, storage, distribution, monitoring and evaluation of all health commodities supporting provision of the TB and Leprosy services related supplies, laboratory related supplies, and other products as needed. She/he will work closely with the TB and leprosy Program Manager, and JSIISCMS, Medical Stores Department (MSD) to reinforce the supply chain system to guarantee the continuous flow of quality products and Information oriented toward performance and cost effectiveness, all of which will result In medicines and reagents for TB and Leprosy supplies delivery improvements.
Specific Duties:
Specific duties and tasks may include but are not limited to the following:
As an SCMS Employee
Develop strategies for effective implementation of procurement, storage, distribution, monitoring and evaluation supply chain activities gearing In Improving availability of TB and Leprosy drugs and reagents
Ensure good communication with timely feedback to Program manager, zonal Supply Chain Monitoring Advisors (SCMAs), MSD, Diagnostics Unit, pharmaceutical supplies section and SCMS.
Coordinate with other stake holders, on areas of supplies availability, usages/consumption at Central and zonal levels.
Assess and develop capacity building programs all geared in improving commodity availability Participating in training activities related to Logistics and supply chain including assessments, development of training materials, conducting actual training and post training supportive supervision
Prepare and submit monthly and quarterly supply chain performance reports to the program and facilitate its distribution to relevant stakeholders
Arrange, participate, compile and share with the program monthly/ quarterly physical inventory reports of select supplies at MSD.
Prepare annual facility supportive supervision work plans, as well as implement them all geared to improving logistics system performance
Arrange and coordinate technical discussion meeting with key stakeholders which may include but not limited to MSD, PSS, TFDAPPRAMOHSW-Diagnostic Unit, SCMS to address supply chain issues
Participate and or develop implementable strategies for improving rational use of TB and Leprosy drugs as well as work with TFDA and SCMS to develop/ strengthen adverse drug reaction reporting mechanisms
Collaborate with Pharmaceutical Services Section, Diagnostics Services Section, and Vertical Programs:
Participating in the selection of items to be procured by MSD
Working with MOHSW units, MSD and SCMS on quantification of TB and Leprosy drugs related laboratory reagents, and other health related supplies.
Ensuring the products being brought into the country are registered with the appropriate authority (TFDAPHLB) and of the desired quality through MSD established procedures. Monitoring Commodities shelf life to avoid expiry of products in storage facilities
Perform any other duties as assigned by his/ her supervisor at SCMS in consultation with the MSD
Work with MSD in:
Supporting rapid port clearing so as to reduce port charges, demurrage and other charges.
Ensuring that program drugs and related supplies procured and received by MSD Central are promptly entered into the Epicor  9 system at MSD.
Ensure proper storage procedures are being implemented to ensure product quality and to avoid expiration.
Reviewing stock levels at MSD on monthly basis to ensure that system stock levels are maintained and identify foreseeable potential logistic problems that may result in stock outs, product pile up or expiration.
Monitoring the availability of LMIS tools at the central level including ensuring that the products are appropriately coded in the MSD system and can be issued to facilities when they request.
Working with Warehouse Manager/ Warehouse Officer and SCMA placed at the central MSD to ensure that orders received from the zonal stores are promptly processed and the quantities issued are in line with consumption pattern of the zones
Qualifications And Personal Attributes Required:
Applicants for this position should be Tanzanian nationals or lawful residents who possess the following minimum qualifications:
A qualified Pharmacist, Medical Doctor, Laboratory Scientist or Laboratory Technologist, or other Public Health professional with at least two years experience in supply management, preferably in the management of TB and leprosy drugs or experienced Public Health Logistician with at least three years experience.
Experience working with TB and Leprosy commodities and/or laboratory services and programs is preferred.
Experience in logistics/supply chain management and or public health commodities management desirable.
Experience working with the Government of Tanzania and other NGO's preferred. Excellent written and verbal English.
Ability to prepare and present information related to T6 and Leprosy programs.
Ability to work on a team to develop strategies and manage implementation of projects Ability to work independently.
Previous work experience with USAID-funded projects desirable.
Proficiency in common computer packages (e.g. Word, PowerPoint, Excel) relevant to the work. Team player.
Able to travel for an extended period of time away from the duty station to support technical activities.
Able to travel internationally to attend trainings and conferences as needed.
A competitive remuneration and benefits package will be offered to the successful candidate for the above positions basing on qualification, experience and salary history.

Application Instructions:
Interested candidates are invited to send their cover letters, Curriculum Vitae with names and contact details of 3 work related references, enclosing certificate copies of relevant education and training.  

Senior Human Resource Officer
 John Snow, Inc.
Plot No. 392, Toure Drive, Masaki
P.O .Box 9263
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Please indicate on the envelope the position applied for. Only candidates meeting the minimum requirements will be contacted. If you have not heard from us within 3 weeks after the closing date, kindly assume that your application was not successful. JSI is an equal opportunity employer.
John Snow, Inc Senior Public health Logistics Advisor John Snow, Inc Senior Public health Logistics Advisor Reviewed by Unknown on 1:38:00 AM Rating: 5
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