consultant for Industry Development Adviser

The Ministry of Industry with the Support from UNDP Ethiopia would like to recruit National Program Coordinator (NPC) as Industry Development Advisor. The contract will be issued by the ministry (MOI). To This effect, all interested who meets the minimum educational qualification and experience are invited to submit their detailed CV with Reference: Application Industry Development advisor to the following address:

                                              ; and
                                                                                  P. O.Box: 6945, Ministry of Industry 
The Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) seeks to consolidate the positive development outcomes attained in the last decade to bring about broad-based and transformative structural changes required to stir the economy on rapid growth path toward becoming a middle income country by 2025. This development goal is especially anchored on stimulating rapid growth and structural transformation of the agricultural and industrial sectors in ways that enhances wealth creation and expansion of employment opportunities in the economy. 
The third strategic pillar of the plan on industrial development emphasizes the need to create conditions that will enable the industry to play a key role in the economy and promote the establishment and growth of export-oriented and import-substituting industries (textiles &garments, leather shoe and goods, agro-industries including sugar, chemicals including cement and plastics, pharmaceuticals, and metals & engineering) in the country, so as to accelerate structural changes in these sectors and create more employment. Interventions are envisaged at two levels: i) the development of small and micro enterprises (for which a comprehensive Micro and Small Enterprises development strategy has been developed and the responsible federal executive agency reorganized and strengthened in the first year of the GTP implementation) and ii) the strengthening of Medium and Large Scale manufacturing industry, whose role is to bring about a structural transformation in the economy and accelerate industrial development (once their performance and competitiveness is strengthened). The GTP aims to achieve the above through the balanced participation of the public and private sectors; where the private sector has been encouraged to invest in manufacturing activities (especially textile and garment, leather and leather products and agro-processing sectors such as oilseed processing, beverages and food processing industries).

Furthermore, the GTP envisions that this will be accomplished by the full growth potentials of the MSEs to grow into medium and large scale domestic enterprises. This is expected to expand the country’s industrial base and increase foreign exchange earnings by encouraging export and import substitution activities. This is well in line with the Country’s Agricultural Development -Led Industrialization strategy. The GTP, whilst continuing to consider agriculture as the main source of growth and job creation, envisages the industrial sector to gradually play an increasing role in the economy.
To support the Government of Ethiopia's strong commitment to realize these transformative goals indicated in the GTP, UNDP has availed its Support through " Industrial Development and Entrepreneurships Program" to contribute to the institutional and organizational capacity development efforts that would enable speedier implementation of the development policies and strategies needed to support the realization of the industrial development and structural change that is envisaged in the GTP.
In this regard, we are looking for an Industrial development Adviser to act as adviser to the Minister of Industry to provide strategic policy/strategy/project level advice on formulation, effective implementation and coordination of new and existing policies, strategies and transformational program/projects.

The Industry Development Adviser will advise the Minister of Ministry of Industry (MoI) on major strategic issues on a regular basis. He/she will assess the impact of the current policy, strategies and projects, and document lessons learnt. He/she will support the MOI to set up a system to effectively formulate, implement and coordinate interventions at all levels of government to achieve industrial economic transformation sooner rather than later.

The Industry Development Adviser will be institutionally placed in the Office of the Minister of Industry (MOI). This placement would enable the Adviser to have easy access to the Ministry of Industry (MoI) and its various sub sectors to facilitate effectively formulation, implementation and coordination of polices, strategies, program/projects help achieve GTP targets and prepare industry to take the leading role in the economy. 

Duties and Responsibilities

Under the overall guidance and supervision of the Minister/National Program Coordinator (NPC), the Industry Development Adviser provides guidance and strategic advice to the Minister of Industry (MoI) on key issues on Industry Policy and transformational programme/project identification and their effective implementation & coordination to meet the current GTP targets and, furthermore, prepare the Industry sector to take the leading role in the economy by accelerating Industrialization.

The specific tasks among others include: 
  • Provide strategic advices on key issues in the sector-wide Industry development ;
  • Advise the Minister on emerging industry wide policies, strategies and program implementation challenges around priority manufacturing sectors' development related issues, potentially requiring further attention by the Minister and senior leadership;
  • Advise in area of manufacturing subsectors development studies & their analysis and prepare menu of project profiles and feasibility studies & others, and assist in implementing the recommendations of the studies
  • Support the assessment of the performance of the various policies and strategies, with focus on advice and support to put in place better systems and structures for effective and coordinated implementation of existing polices and strategies. In this regard, the advisor will be required to periodically review and where need be, prepare assessments, highlighting potential strategic complementarities between planned and ongoing projects, policies and programmes;
  • Provide strategic advices to enhance capacity of the Ministry Of Industry to effectively lead, support and monitor the performance of the sector; 
  • Assist in the review of GTP's past implementation and preparation of transformational programmes for its successful achievement.
  • Identification of national and international best practices on effective orchestration of Industry interventions with a view to selecting for adaptation to Ethiopia of key organisational arrangements, policy, strategic, and support measures for success.
  • Facilitation of international policy and strategy best-practice related dialogue (including exchanges of visits) and access to high-level advisory services;
  • Asseses and identifies constraints that affect increased private sector investment in industrial development and recommends measures.
  • Strengthening the capacity of key Ministry's staff in supporting effective implementation and coordination in the area of priority manufacturing sectors development and through preparing and giving advanced training in project profile preparation, project feasibility study, industry planning, negotiation, International marketing, investment facilitation, M&E of projects /programs preparation and implementation, and, others
  • The Adviser will perform any other similar or related duties and assignments requested by Ministry's senior leadership.


Corporate Competencies:
  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism;
  • Fulfills all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment

Functional Competencies:
  • Problem Analysis: Demonstrates analytical capability to analyze impacts of policy measures in the areas of sector-wide industry development; Identifies, defines, and analyzes operational problems and situations, and anticipates potential roadblocks. Simplifies complex problems, sees causal links, and generates solutions to problems based on sound judgment and awareness of the potential implications of these solutions; generates original ideas, and/or utilizes existing solutions/ideas in new and innovative ways and advice the Minister/NPC on remedial measures. 
  • Leadership: is able to advise the Minister of Industry and NPC, to translate vision into achievable targets and work plans, and to innovate continuously. 
  • Team Work: works collaboratively with others, demonstrating commitment to achieve group objectives, understanding the needs and goals of others and adapting own views and behavior when appropriate 
  • Communication: Demonstrates outstanding communication skills, verbal and written, in English. And is able to present information clearly and persuasively; seeks out the ideas and views of others; is adaptable but consistently professional, concise and engaging; ensures that messages are understood and that input from others has been heard. 
  • Results / Quality Orientation: is able to set high standards and maintain the commitment, motivation and energy to achieve them while at the same time ensuring high quality of program coordination and advisory services 
  • Decision Making: confident in his/her capabilities and judgment and take decisions or make choices while ascertaining the risks and being conscious of his/her responsibilities. 
  • Adaptability / Behavioral Flexibility: Adjusts strategies and behaviors as new information becomes available and as priorities change 

Required Skills and Experience

  • University Masters degree or PhD in the area of development, Industrial Economics, industrial development, development studies, or related disciplines.
  • Senior person with a minimum of 10 years of relevant work experience in advisory services in an international or national organization that has allowed her/him exposure to a range of successful Industrial development programmes. 
  • Alternatively, senior person with a minimum of 10 years of experience in policy advice, Industrial research, programme coordination of major industrial development programmes or development corridors preferably in a developing country with demonstrated success. 
  • Proven experience working in Asian countries in general, South East Asia in particular is an asset. 
  • Familiarity with bureaucratic requirements in a government ministry as well as exposures to coordination of development programmes will be an advantage.
Language Requirements:
  • Fluency in English (written and oral) Working Knowledge of Amharic is an asset.
FC: 04000
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.
consultant for Industry Development Adviser consultant for Industry Development Adviser Reviewed by Unknown on 1:37:00 AM Rating: 5
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