John Snow, Inc Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor

Reports to:Senior Public health Logistics Advisor
Overall Responsibilities
To assist in the development and implementation of country monitoring and evaluation plans. To work with other project staff in the analysis and interpretation of data, preparation of results to be presented or submitted to stakeholders and project management team.
 Specific Duties
Specific responsibilities will include, but are not limited to, the following:
Participate in or oversee the collection and management of data to monitor project activities and deliverables through the development and application of core indicators.
Develop M&E study protocols and instruments, including background research and literature reviews to gather relevant data for country-specific studies and assessments.
Plan and conduct evaluation assessments that determine the significance of Malaria and Family planning commodities and other health commodity logistics and the effects that logistics have on public health programs.
Write reports on the research conducted and present results to relevant stakeholders.
Work closely with the Procurement Advisor, the IT/ Data Manager, the Public Health Logistics Advisors and other technical teams to provide necessary data/evaluation results, which these teams can use for the development and dissemination tools about the USAIDIDELIVER Tanzania project and the role of logistics as it relates to health commodities.
Collaborate with other Cooperating Agencies on other activities, as requested.
Represent USAIDIDELIVER Tanzania at interagency meetings, professional conferences, etc. Perform other duties as may be assigned by the Supervisor or the Country Director.
Qualifications And Personal Attributes Required:
Graduate knowledge in public health, logistics, demography, biostatistics or related field.
At least 3 years field experience
Experience in monitoring and evaluating of public health programs, preferably accentuating Malaria and Family planning logistics and conducting research in practical and appropriate field settings.
Data management and analysis skills.
Strong skills in statistical software packages such as SPSS, SAS, Strata and EPI INFO, and the ability to create worksheets, enter data and complete analysis of data in SPSS, or appropriate software. Proficiency in Microsoft Office, word processing, spreadsheet, presentation and database management and the ability to learn new software products.
Experience in logistics/supply chain management and or public health commodities management desirable.
Excellent English communication and writing skills required.
Strong interpersonal skills; ability to perform well in an autonomous working environment (work independently) as well as with a team.
Ability to prepare and present information (elated to Malaria and Reproductive Child Health programs
Ability to work in a team environment and to develop strategies and manage implementation of projects
Good teamwork and interpersonal skills with ability to take initiative.
Ability to deal appropriately with sensitive issues and maintain a high level of confidentiality at all times.
A competitive remuneration and benefits package will be offered to the successful candidate for the above positions basing on qualification, experience and salary history.

Application Instructions:
Interested candidates are invited to send their cover letters, Curriculum Vitae with names and contact details of 3 work related references, enclosing certificate copies of relevant education and training.  
Senior Human Resource Officer
 John Snow, Inc.
Plot No. 392, Toure Drive, Masaki
P.O .Box 9263
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Please indicate on the envelope the position applied for. Only candidates meeting the minimum requirements will be contacted. If you have not heard from us within 3 weeks after the closing date, kindly assume that your application was not successful. JSI is an equal opportunity employer.
John Snow, Inc Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor John Snow, Inc Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor Reviewed by Unknown on 1:37:00 AM Rating: 5
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