The overall goal of the ‘Open Health Initiative’ is to contribute to the im provement of reproductive, maternal, newb orn, and child health and ultimately the a chievement of the MDGs 4 and 5 within the EAC Partner States. The Open Health Initiative aims to build on the great momentum surrounding the MDGs, and then importantly, continue to accelerate progress in countries past the 2015 MDG deadline.

The objectives of the EAC’ s Open Health Initiative are to promote innovative interventions and enhance access to data and information for better esults, better tracking of resources, and str onger oversight of results and resources for women's and children's health nationally a nd regionally within the EAC Partner States.

Applications are invited fr om suitably qualified citizens of East A frica for the following position:



Grade: P3

Department: Health

Reports to: Principal Health Officer

Main Purpose of the Job:

The primary responsibility of this position is to coordinate and manage the implementation of the “Open Health Initiative to Improve Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health in the East African Community Partner Stat es.”

Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Facilitate the strengthening of national and regional health syste ms and health
care  delivery  mechan isms  focused  on  improving  reproductive,  maternal,
newborn, and child health in the Partner States;

2. Collaborate with other EAC regional level sectors, partners, and officers;

3. Conduct systematic review of published literature and assess the quality and results of published studies on RMNCH and disseminate reports;

4. Provide support to in-country National Open Health Initiative focal persons in effectively sharing and documenting information between the Partner States;

5. Liaise regularly with all of the National Open Health Initiative focal persons to identify successful specific country interventions and see what projects can be leveraged and rolled-out in all the other Partner States;

6. Establish and coordinate a database of regional experts within reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health and identify projects in the region that will participate with regional expert’s knowledge and exchange among EAC Partner States;

7. Support the Partner States’ Technical Exchange Program in the East African Partner States and provide strong technical knowledge to support this mechanism;

8. Support the “EAC Partner States Expert Task Force” network group and “EAC OHI Partners Forum” through the establishment and maintenance of an “EAC Open Health Initiative Regional Knowledge Sharing for Action Network” and other innovative mechanisms in coordination with identified in-country representatives;

9. Monitor projects implemented or scaled-up through the Open Health Initiative, governments, stakeholders, and international partners and disseminate progress reports;

10. Work in close collaboration and coordination with the EAC Regional Technical Working Group on Reproductive, Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health and the EAC Regional Technical Working Group on Health Systems, Research, and Policy;

11. Implement Council decisions and prepare progress and annual reports; and

12. Promote positive corporate culture and image of the EAC.

Qualifications and Experience:

A basic degree in health or social sciences along with a Master’s or advanced degree with a specialization in the reproductive, maternal, or child health field. The job holder is expected to have at least five (5) years work experience in the design and implementation of health programs in the public sector or in a health related development organization. A strong skill set with managing a team is required.

Skills and Competences for All Advertised Positions:

Excellent management and organizational skills, ability to handle multiple tasks without compromising quality; team building skills; strong monitoring and evaluation skills; excellent interpersonal and communication skills; negotiation skills and ability to work independently in a diverse environment; proven public health technical and analytical capabilities and research skills; excellent drafting and report writing skills.

Terms and Conditions of Service:

This is a non-established position supported by donor funds whose contract terms and conditions are limited to the availability of funding.

The above position will be subjected to the EAC quota system.

How to Apply:

Interested candidates should submit their applications by registered mail, courier service, e-mail or dispatch together with Curriculum Vitae, copies of both academic and professional certificates and testimonials, names and addresses of three referees, and day time telephone contact to:

The Secretary General

East African Community (EAC) Headquarters

Afrika Mashariki Road/ EAC

Arusha, Tanzania

Office Tel: +255 27 2162100

Office Fax No: +255 27 2162190


To be received not later than May 17th 2013.
The East African Community will only respond to those candidates who meet its requirements.

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