The East African Community ( EAC), the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) are join tly implementing a Programme on Climate Chang e Adaptation and Mitigation in the Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA-EAC-SADC) Region under the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite ramework. The overall objective of the Progr amme is to address the impact of climate change through successful adaptation and miti gation actions aimed at building socio-econo mic resilience of communities through Climate-S mart Agriculture (CSA). The Programme is intended to increase investments in climate resilien t and carbon efficient agricultural practices and strengthen linkages between agriculture, f orestry, and other land uses (AFOLU) and re newable energy practices in the COMESA-EAC- SADC Member/Partner States.

The EAC Secretariat has received funding from the Government of Norway; the European Union; and the Government of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland th rough COMESA towards the implementation of the Programme. Part of the funds will be irected towards supporting positions established as part of the Programme Management Unit ( PMU) that will be charged with providing technica l, coordination and administrative functions to be implemented by EAC individually and jointly w ith the other Implementing Partners (COMESA and SADC).

Applications are therefore invited from suitably qualified citizens of East Africa for the following position tenable at the EAC Sec retariat in Arusha, Tanzania.


( REF: EAC/HR/2012-2013/058)
Grade: Equivalennt  to P1  Professional  Staff  Grade
Directorate: Producti ve  Sectors
Reporting to: Climate  C hange Coordinator

Main purpose of  the job:

To oversee implementation of knowledge management, communication nd information activities including acting as the communication and knowledge management focal point for the Programme

Duties  and responsibilities:

1. Undertaking research and analysis and preparation of communication materials such as speeches, speaking notes, statements, video scripts and assessing positions and bring issues of importance to the attention of the Management;

2. Monitoring and analysing current events, public opinion and press, identifies issues and trends and advises on appropriate actions and responses;

3. Contributing to the development and implementation of the Programme’s Communication Strategy and support the implementation of the EAC Climate Change Communications Strategy;

4. Planning, managing and evaluating public communication campaigns that promote public understanding and media coverage of programme activities, events and views;
5. Coordinating   the   production   of   information, education,   communication materials
including:   policy   briefs,   brochures   documentaries,   radio   and   TV   spot   programmes,
shows     and     exhibitions,     press     releases, feature articles, speeches booklets,
brochures,  background  papers,  audiovisual  materials,  etc;

6. Reviewing, monitoring and reporting on progress of outreach opportunities and takes appropriate follow up actions;

7. Developing of climate change messages addressing concerns to emerging political, economic and social developments;

8. Maintaining and managing the updated knowledge database of information on climate change and other key political, economic or social-related information and advice and oversee research of communications consultants providing inputs;

9. Maintaining and supporting a network of substantive contacts internal and external Partners and stakeholders including Partner States, RECs and Development Partners;

10. Coordinating the formulation, development, agreement and implementation of innovative, creative, proactive and reactive communication and advocacy strategies and objectives;

11. Assisting in the dissemination of project information and communicating internally and externally; and

12. Packaging all programme events and developments into press briefs, statements, releases, interviews; manage programme interactions with the media;

13. Assisting in the building and maintaining of collaboration and partnerships with various stakeholders at national, regional and international;

14. Enhancing Programme visibility and positive image at the regional and international level through publicizing programme activities and events; and

15. Promote  a  positive  corporate  culture  and  image  of  the  Community.

Qualifications  and Experience:

Bachelor’s Degree in Mass Communication, Journalism, International Relations, or a related field;

Minimum of five (5) years of responsible experience in public information, journalism, international relations, government and intergovernmental organizations that includes evidence of regular production of quality written content in a professional field for the use of senior level representatives or influential publications and the ability to deploy that content effectively through communication platforms and events.

Skills and Competencies:

Expertise on climate change and/or environmental issues shall be an added advantage. Sound knowledge of, and constructive ideas about the political, economic and social impacts and the connected consequences of climate change and global government, business and civil society action to meet the global climate change is required; knowledge and experience in promoting and coordinating messaging and presentations at events is an asset; fluency in English (both written and oral) is essential.


These are non-established project positions tenable at the EAC Secretariat Headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania. The positions are supported by COMESA through donor funds provided by the European Union, the Royal Norwegian Government and the Governments of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland.

The positions will be tenable for a period not exceeding four (4) years subject to satisfactory performance and availability of funds.

The  above  positions  will  be  subjected  to  the  EAC  quota  system.


Interested candidates should submit their applications by registered mail, courier service, e-mail or dispatch together with Curriculum Vitae, copies of both academic and professional certificates and testimonials, names and addresses of three referees, and day time telephone contact to:

The  Secretary General
East  African  Community
P.o  Box  1096

Arusha,  Tanzania.

Fax  No:  007 27 2502455/2504481

To  be  received  not  later  than  30th  may  2013.

Female Candidates are particularly encouraged  to apply.

The East African Community will only respond to those candidates who meet its requirements.

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