Bachelors of Business Administration Scholarships at Presbyterian University of East Africa

Umoja wa Wanawake - Makanisa ya Dar es Salaam (UWAMAKDA), an interdenominational women’s committee of the Umoja wa Makanisa ya Dar es Salaam, is announcing to Tanzanian Women a scholarship for studying a Bachelors of Business Administration at the Presbyterian University of East Africa - Kenya . The scholarship has been graciously offered to UWAMAKDA by the Moderator of the 20th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa whose headquarters are in Nairobi.

Umoja wa Wanawake - Makanisa  ya Dar es salaamincludes all churches and Christian Institutions who are members of or are affiliated to the Tanzania Episcopal Council/TEC/Roman Catholic; Christian Council of Tanzania/CCT and the Pentecostal which include Churches in Tanzania/PCT.

Eligibility Criteria

Age                  :  Must be less than 40 years of age
Gender           :  A Tanzanian woman
Nationality     :  Tanzanian

Required Educational Background

Division II or higher, Form VI with a science or commercial concentration.
* Division I - Form IV, with a science or commercial concentration.
* An Advanced Diploma or another Bachelor degree will be an added advantage.
*You must be fluent in English, able to read, speak and write English proficiently.

Deadline for applications:  MAY 17, 2013

Please forward your application, a cover letter, updated resume and copies of attained certificates to:
P.O BOX 6783, 

Those who wish may deliver their applications in person, with same address to the Matron,
YWCA Headquarters opposite St Albans Church in Dar es salaam.
Bachelors of Business Administration Scholarships at Presbyterian University of East Africa  Bachelors of Business Administration Scholarships at Presbyterian University  of East Africa Reviewed by Unknown on 1:33:00 AM Rating: 5
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