The Sustainable Agricultural Productivity, Processing, and Value Chain for Enhancing Food Security in Tanzania (SAPPV), a Sida-funded sub-programme, has 6 scholarship positions for masters degree. Selected applicants will register and do their masters degrees at the University of Dar es Salaam at the College of Agricultural Sciences and Fisheries Technology. The Scholarship is for full time students for a period of 24 months. The research themes for masters shall include:

1. Food Postharvest Technologies and value addition
2. Infectious Diseases and Food Security
3. Supply Chains and Food Security
4. Precision agriculture
5. Modelling for Food Security
6. Urban agriculture for food security
7. Nutrition and food security

 Applicants must have at least an upper second degree in the relevant field (biological sciences, engineering. agriculture, agricultural economics, natural resource/forest economics, veterinary medicine, animal science, biotechnology, bioinformatics, fisheries and aquaculture, food science and technology)
 Age not more than 35 years
 The scholarship is intended for UDSM staff, but also other potential candidates may apply.
 Qualified females are encouraged to apply.
 The successful candidates will register in either of the following units CoAF, CoET, CoNAS and IRA depending on the nature of the concept note submitted.

Send a CV, cover letter, letters from your three referees,transcripts, certificates, and a concept note of not more than two pages addressing a topic of interest of the above themes. The application must reach the Project Coordinator by 31st January 2018.

Submit your application in electronic form to: agneselishadai@gmail.com;
dsgs@admin.udsm.ac.tz cc kibazohi@yahoo.com, and lyantagaye@gmail.com
UDHAMINI WA MASOMO UDSM UDHAMINI WA MASOMO UDSM Reviewed by New Jobs on 12:15:00 AM Rating: 5

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