Job Posts at Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation

The Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation (TBC) is a Public Service Broadcaster
established by Government Order in 2007 and became operational on the 1st of July
2007 replacing the then Tanzania Broadcasting Services – Taasisi ya Utangazaji
Tanzania (TUT). TUT was established in the year 2002 pursuant to Public Corporation
Act No 2 of 1992, Government Notice No 23 of 14th June 2002. Its formation was a
result of a merger of Radio Tanzania Dar es Salaam (RTD) which was established in
1965 and Televisheni ya Taifa (TVT) which was established in 1999.

2.1 JOURNALIST II (6 posts)

2.1.1 Qualifications and Experience:
Holder of Bachelor Degree or Advanced Diploma in Journalism, Mass Communication,
TV/Film Production from a recognized Institution. Knowledge in word processing,
graphics, photographing, photo-editing and video shooting will be an added advantage.
Computer skills are essential.
2.1.2 Duties and Responsibilities:
i. Gathers and writes news and stories;
ii. Writes scripts and continuities and prepares programmes for radio and
television products;
iii. Collects, reports and comments on news and current affairs for broadcasting
by radio or television;
iv. Interviews politicians and other public figures at press conferences and on
occasions, including individual interviews recorded for radio or television;
v. Writes editorials and selects, revises, arranges and edits submitted articles
and other materials for broadcasting on radio or television;
vi. Writes advertising copy promoting particular products or services;
vii. Selects, assembles and prepares publicity materials about business or other
organizations for being broadcast through radio, television or other media;
viii. Provides professional and technical support to other junior
reporters/journalists; and
ix. Perform any other related duties as may be assigned by Supervisor.
2.1.3 Salary scale: PGSS 6/1
2.1.4 Age Limit: Not more than 45 years.

2.2 TECHNICIAN II (2 posts)

2.2.1 Qualification and Experience:
i. Holder of Diploma/Full Technician Certificate in Electronics or
Telecommunications from recognized college or institution. Computer skills will
be an added advantage.
2.2.2 Duties and Responsibilities:
i. Carry out technical operations;
ii. Carry out servicing and maintenance work of technical equipment under
supervision of experienced technician;
iii. Ensure proper maintenance of all equipment at workplace; and
iv. Perform any other related duties as may be assigned by the supervisor.
2.2.3 Salary: PGSS 5/1
2.2.4 Age Limit: Not more than 45 years.

2.3 CAMERAMAN II (2 posts)

2.3.1 Qualification and Experience:
Holder of Certificate/Advanced Certificate in Journalism with specialized training on
Cinematography, Video shooting, Video production, or its equivalent from a recognized
Institution. Computer skills are essential.
2.3.2 Duties and Responsibilities:
i. Undertake filming/recording of television programmes such as talk shows,
education, documentaries, religion etc. in good quality standard and
consonant with the requirement of the producer;
ii. Load and unloads camera, cleans and place lenses, filters, extension tubes
and makes;
iii. Participate in shooting various events;
iv. Participate in developing a shooting programme;
v. Determines camera, video tape and lighting equipment to be utilized;
vi. Directs technical personnel to achieve photographic effects; and
vii. Performs other related duties as may be assigned by the Supervisor.
2.3.3 Salary: PGSS 3/1
2.3.4 Age Limit: Not more than 45 years.


2.4.1 Qualification and Experience:
 Holder of Bachelor Degree or Advanced Diploma in ICT majoring in Graphic
Designing or its equivalent for TV Broadcasting from a recognized Institution.
2.4.2 Duties and Responsibilities:
i. Design artistic graphics for promotion;
ii. Design artistic material for news, programmes and commercial adverts;
iii. Design screen graphics;
iv. Demonstrates illustrative skills with rough sketches;
v. Edit video and audio promotion materials;
vi. Produce video artistic jingles and animation;
vii. Perform any other related duties as may be assigned by the supervisor.
2.4.3 Salary: PGSS 6/1
2.4.4 Age Limit: Not more than 45 years.

2.5 PRODUCER II (2 posts)

2.5.1 Qualification and Experience:
Holder of Bachelor Degree or Advanced Diploma in Mass Communication, Journalism
TV/Radio/Film Production or its equivalent from a recognized Institution. Computer skills
are essential.
2.5.2 Duties and Responsibilities:
i. Assist in undertaking production of television programmes;
ii. Assist in production of radio programmes, drama and light entertainment;
iii. Selection and production of music programmes;
iv. Assist in production of education development programmes;
v. Participate in talk shows/documentaries/magazine, religious programmes,
sports etc; and
vi. Scheduling routine programmes.
2.5.3 Salary: PGSS 6/1
2.5.4 Age Limit: Not more than 45 years.


i. All applicants must be Citizens of Tanzania;
ii. Applicants must attach an up-to-date Curriculum Vitae (CV) having reliable
contacts; postal address/post code, e-mail and telephone numbers;
iii. Applicants should apply on the strength of the information given in this
iv. Applicants must attach their certified copies of the following certificates;
 Postgraduate/Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma/Certificates;
 Postgraduate/Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma transcripts;
 Form IV and Form VI National Examination Certificates;
 Birth certificate
v. Applicants who will attach copies of the following certificates will strictly not have
 Form IV and form VI results slips
 Testimonials and all Partial transcripts
vi. Applicants employed in the Public Service should route their application letters
through their respective employers;
vii. Applicants who have/were retired from the Public Service for whatever reason
should not apply;
viii. Applicants should indicate three reputable referees with their reliable contacts;
ix. Certificates from foreign examination bodies for Ordinary or Advanced level
education should be certified by The National Examination Council of Tanzania
(NECTA) and National Council for Technical Education (NACTE);
x. Certificates from foreign Universities should be verified by The Tanzania
Commission for Universities (TCU);
xi. Applicants with special needs/case (disability) are supposed/advised to
xii. A signed application letters should be written either in Swahili or English and
Addressed to Secretary, Presidents Office, Public Service Recruitment
Secretariat, 27 Bibi Titi Mohammed Road, P.O Box 63100, Maktaba Complex,
11102 Dar Es Salaam.

xiii. Deadline for application is 19 January 2018 and;

xiv. Only short listed candidates will be informed on a date for interview.
xv. Presentation of forged certificates and other information will necessitate to legal

NOTE: All applications must be sent through Recruitment Portal by using the
following address; and not otherwise (This address
can also be found at PSRS Website, Click ‘Recruitment Portal’)
Job Posts at Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation Job Posts at Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation Reviewed by New Jobs on 6:01:00 AM Rating: 5

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