UNFPA Programme Specialist HIV

Vacancy No VA/FPA/URT/01/2013
Position number:23226
Salary Scale:ICS 10 (NOC)
Duty Station:Dar es Salaam
Duration of Appointment: One year fixed term initially, renewable subject to satisfactory performance
Organisational UnitUNFPA Tanzania Country Office
Vacancy Open to:Tanzanian Nationals Only
Duties and Responsibilities
Under the overall guidance of the UNFPA Deputy Representative and the direct supervision of theUNFPA Assistant Representative the Programme Specialist will provide policy and technical leadership for UNFPA's response to national Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) and HIV priorities,
The Programme Specialist will specifically carry out the following duties and responsibilities:
Represent UNFPA in national efforts to develop, monitor and implement policies, plans, and strategies for the management and prevention of HI VIA IDS and other sexually transmitted infections (STls)
Advocate and provide technical guidance for a multi-sectoral approach to HIV/AIDS, including incorporation and prioritization of HIV/AIDS prevention strategies in national and sectoral development frameworks and plans and ensuring linkages to broader SRH concerns.
Represent UNFPA and the UN System, and provide technical input and feedback in national and sectordialogue, and in development partners for a including the Development Partners Group on HIV/AIDS,UNDAP PWG for HIV &AIDS and UNDAP PWG for Health and Nutrition. Assist in the review and evaluation of SRH and HIV/AIDS-related national development frameworks, plans and strategies.
Regularly assess, analyze and communicate to decision-makers and partners on SRHIHIV trends, challenges and priorities in Tanzania (with a focus on HIV/ADS prevention).
Support development of national technical capacity in implementing a multi sectoral approach to HIV prevention; and the identification, capacity development and mobilization of potential national institutions and civil society partners, including religious leaders to expand HIV/AIDS prevention efforts and promote scaling up of culturally sensitive and sustainable approaches to prevention
Conceptualize and develop UNFPA -supported SRH and HIV/AIDS-related interventions and strategies that provide the most appropriate contribution to national HIV/AIDS efforts, and oversee the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of these interventions, using lessons learned to contribute to a national evidence base.
Provide technical and programme guidance and support to national partners in the design and implementation of HIV/AIDS programmes in context of the Three Ones. Provide technical support that will link vertical programmes and Funds to national and sectoral planning, and guidance to ensure full integration and use of resources in support of broader reproductive health efforts
Analyze, synthesize, and disseminate lessons learned from in-country HIV programmes and provide partners with evidence to advocate for increasing support for the most effective HIV/AIDS programmestrategies. Review and apply research findings to improving the effectiveness, efficiency, and with potential for scaling up.
Qualifications and Experience
Post graduate degree in public health, medicine, anthropology, sociology or other related social sciences;
At least 7 years of professional experience in the field of SRH and/or HIV/AIDS, with significantprogramme and policy experience; Strong skills in policy analysis and demonstrated experience in policy development and programme planning, monitoring and evaluation; Strong analytical and results-orientation with proven experience in using results-based management tools
Extensive knowledge of the SRH and HIV/AIDS situation and trends, and a thorough understanding of the social, cultural, economic and gender dimensions of the epidemic;
Familiarity with the UN system and/or experience working with an international organization is an advantage Excellent interpersonal communication and writing skills .
Dedication to United Nations principles and demonstrated ability to work harmoniously within a team and with different nationalities.
Application Instructions:
Candidates should complete a United Nations Personnel History Form (PI I) available on the UNFPAwebsite at http://www.unfpa.org/employmentldocs/p_ll.doc  along with an application letter and an updated CV to The UNFPA Representative, UNFPA
Tanzania Country Office P.O. Box 9182, Ocean Road Plot II, Sea View Dar es Salaam by COB on 3 May 2013, Full details of the job description can be accessed through http://countryoffice.unfpa.org/tanzania/
Title envelope must be marked 'CONFIDENTIAL' and indicate the vacancy number and the position titleProgramme Specialist HIV.
Candidates can also be made by email with the PII CV and cover letter attached and sent before the deadline to the Email Link above.
Only short-listed candidates for the advertised position will be contacted.
UNFPA Programme Specialist HIV UNFPA Programme Specialist HIV Reviewed by Unknown on 1:25:00 AM Rating: 5
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