Consultant: Capacity Building of Trainers in HIV/AIDS and counseling

The project ‘Empowering Young Workers in the Port and Maritime sector of Mombasa’ has its overall aim of improving young workers’ working conditions within the port and maritime sector in Mombasa, Kenya.
The project, which is scheduled to run between January 2012 and December 2014 is funded by DANIDA through FIC: Forum for International Cooperation (A Danish NGO) and is developed in partnership with three local labor organizations, namely; Kenya Dockworkers Union, Kenya Seafarers Union and Kenya Shipping Clearing and Warehousing Union (KSCWWU). Employers and relevant government institutions, such as Kenya Maritime Authority (KMA) and Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) are also expected to play important roles.
Specific objectives of the project include:
  1. Young Workers in the port and maritime sectors are aware of their labour rights and are taking active role of influencing change towards fairness, justice and greater welfare.
  2. The capacity of Trade unions to champion the rights, concerns and challenges of young workers in the port and maritime sector is strengthened.
One of the outputs related to objective one is building the capacity of selected young workers from the three partner organizations in order that they are qualified as peer educators and can carry out counselling and peer education on HIV/AIDS, drug abuse and Occupational Health and Safety at workplace. The selected young workers are expected to be 35 in total and represent the entire port and maritime sector where the project focuses on. Once qualified as peer educators and counsellors, they are expected to work in line with workplace strategy developed which is intended to contribute towards reduced cases of HIV/AIDS and drug abuse as well as improve the health and safety of their workplaces. They are expected to carry out awareness campaigns, advocacy in group sessions, as well as for individual young workers in the area estimated to have at least 3000 young workers. The uniqueness of the port and maritime sector lies on the fact, that workers belong to different companies and have varied work schedules and terms and conditions of employment. While the peer educators represent this scenario, some companies are not represented; consequently some awareness campaigns may take place outside workplaces.
The Terms of Reference:
The objective of these Terms of Reference is that:
The selected young workers are trained in peer education and counseling and are qualified and empowered to carry out workplace activities intended to improve awareness and behavior change towards HIV/AIDS, drug abuse and occupational health and safety.
A Kenyan local consultant is to be contracted to facilitate this process. He/she will work with the Young Workers Project Coordinator and other persons assigned in the project to design, deliver, and report on the trainings. It should be emphasized, that the process should aim at the more practical and effective approach that will enable the peer educators achieve this objective. The facilitation should take into consideration the uniqueness of port and maritime sector, and its very diverse terms and conditions of employment of the workers. This should be particularly important at the time of developing the implementation strategy of the activities.
  • Training/facilitation in peer education and counseling skills
  • Facilitation on HIV/AIDS, drug abuse and occupational health and safety
  • Development of workplace awareness and behavior change campaign strategy
The consultant is to work with the project team to develop an effective programme that meets the objective of this TOR. The process must be agreed on between the parties before implementation. The days set for the workshop and consultancy is to be agreed on and indicated in the contract prior to the assignment.
The consultant will work under the supervision and direction of the project coordinator. Upon completion of the training session, a comprehensive progress report of participants, including further recommendations will be provided to the FIC/YWP. A certificate of achievement will also be issued to participants who have completed the training sessions satisfactorily.
The FIC/DWU/ Young Workers Project invites qualified interested applicants seek a Consultant according to the above objectives:
How to apply:
Please email expression of interest and quotation documents to , , by May 3 2013.
Consultant: Capacity Building of Trainers in HIV/AIDS and counseling Consultant: Capacity Building of Trainers in HIV/AIDS and counseling Reviewed by Unknown on 11:50:00 PM Rating: 5
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