Baseline survey for Natural Resource Management (NRM) Project in Puntland region of Somalia

Consultancy assignment – Baseline survey for Natural Resource Management (NRM) Project in Puntland region of Somalia
Adeso and CARE are seeking a qualified consultant or team of consultants specializing in conducting baseline assessments in the field of Natural Resource Management with specific reference to land rehabilitation and restoration of degraded rangelands and institutional capacity development. The consultancy is for a period of 80-100 days, beginning in May 2013, and will include desk review work, field level primary data collection, collection of existing secondary data on land management, stakeholder consultations, data analysis, report writing, review and possible revision of the logframe and presentation of the findings at field and Nairobi levels in a phased manner. Collection and analysis of data in technical areas like land use pattern and terrain, soil conditions and land fertility status analysis, land classifications, spatial information and analysis of climate data to characterize the prospects in the area as applicable should be part of the baseline assessment process.
Closing date: 10th May 2013
Baseline survey for Natural Resource Management (NRM) Project in Puntland region of Somalia Baseline survey for Natural Resource Management (NRM) Project in Puntland region of Somalia Reviewed by Unknown on 4:05:00 AM Rating: 5
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