Photography and Videography assignment for documentation of environmental degradation as well as delivery of training, Puntland, Somalia

Consultancy assignment - Photography and Videography assignment for documentation of environmental degradation as well as delivery of training, Puntland, Somalia 
Adeso and CARE are seeking the services of a photographer/videographer to visually document the current environmental situation in the program’s areas of operation, showing how environmental degradation impacts the lives of Somalis. The pictures and short videos will be used to create awareness about the project in the lead up to the program’s launch, scheduled to take place in October 2013. Photographs will feature in number of photo exhibit in Somalia, as well as be used in online and print publications. The videos will be used online as well as shown and distributed at the launch. The consultant will be expected to travel to five regions of Puntland in Somalia (namely Bari, Mudug, Sanaag, Nugaal, Sool).
Closing date: 16th May 2013
Photography and Videography assignment for documentation of environmental degradation as well as delivery of training, Puntland, Somalia Photography and Videography assignment for documentation of environmental degradation as well as delivery of training, Puntland, Somalia Reviewed by Unknown on 4:05:00 AM Rating: 5
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