Baseline survey for Pastoralist Youth Leadership (PYL) Project in Mudug and Sanaag region of Somalia

Consultancy assignment – Baseline survey for Pastoralist Youth Leadership (PYL) Project in Mudug and Sanaag region of Somalia 
Adeso is seeking a qualified consultant or team of consultants to conduct a baseline assessment in pastoralist education with specific reference to quality instruction and learning in formal and non-formal schooling (particularly in education relevant to pastoralists), retention of females in education and female inclusion in community leadership and decision making.  The consultancy is for a period of 45-50 days beginning in May 2013 and will include desk review work, field level primary data collection and analysis, secondary data collection and analysis, report writing, review of project logframe and approaches with suggestions for revision where needed, and presentation of findings at field and/or Nairobi levels.  Collection and analysis of data should include the technical areas of current education and skill levels of children and youth; self-efficacy of girls;  quality of instruction and learning in specific local primary schools; and community attitudes and perceptions regarding girls’ education and female leadership and decision making in the community.
Closing date: 10th May 2013
Baseline survey for Pastoralist Youth Leadership (PYL) Project in Mudug and Sanaag region of Somalia Baseline survey for Pastoralist Youth Leadership (PYL) Project in Mudug and Sanaag region of Somalia Reviewed by Unknown on 4:05:00 AM Rating: 5
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