External Adviser Pool recruitment
DFID is currently recruiting for Advisers for pools for the following cadres:
Climate and Environment, Education, Evaluation, Health, Humanitarian, Livelihoods and Agriculture, Private Sector Development, Social Development and Statistics.
(Health, Humanitarian, Livelihoods, Private Sector Development and Social Development are also recruiting for Senior Advisers/Team Leaders)
To find out more please visit: Civil Service Jobs
Closing date for applications are 30 April 2017.
DFID Entry Scheme for Advisers (DESA) 4 recruitment
DFID is launching round 4 of the DFID Entry Scheme for Advisers (DESA). This is a great opportunity to join DFID on a permanent basis and progress a career in development as a DFID adviser.
The scheme enables DFID to recruit and develop the right people and offer them the opportunity to develop into effective DFID advisers in their chosen field of expertise. The 3 year DESA programme combines development placements in DFID offices in the UK (for 1 year) and overseas (for the following 2 years) with coaching and other structured learning. By the end of the 3 year development programme you will be expected to take up a DFID Advisory position.
As an Adviser in DFID, you will help identify, generate and utilise the best evidence, knowledge, technology and ideas to improve the impact of UK aid; design, manage and evaluate development programmes; and support our Ministers to develop and implement policy.
Places are available in the following professional groups:
Climate and Environment, Conflict, Education, Evaluation, Governance, Humanitarian, Infrastructure, Livelihoods, Private Sector Development and Social Development.
For more information please visit Civil Service Jobs
Closing date for applications is 30 April 2017.
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