Employment at Coca Cola Company Limited - Deadline 20th April 2017

The management of Nyanza Bottling Company Limited invites applications from suitably qualified and competent Tanzanian Applicants to fill the following job vacancies.


Incumbent must be a Holder of masters Degree in a specialized functional area with at least four (4) to five years of work experience related to human resource management, excellent communication in both spoken and written English and Swahili Languages.

c) Government office liaisoning.
d) Employee Welfare Administration
e) Employee Relation / Industrial Relation
f) Grievances Handing
g) Contract Management [Labour]
h) Union Management
i) All applicable statutory compliance under different laws and its compliance management.
j) Holding Domestic enquiry
k) Settlement of Industrial disputes [Preparing necessary document and representing management with consultation]
l) Developing and Keeping good relation with Police and other government authorities.
m) Coordination for legal cases and its procedures and government bodies.
n) NSSF / PPF, Factory, OSHA, Weight & Measurement, Electrical & Labour Inspection coordination’s etc.
o) Security Management
p) ISO 9001, 14001, 18001 & 22002 [FSSC] & KORE standards implementation & compliance.
q) GMP coordination
r) Guests and Visitors Management
s) General office management
t) Reception Management
u) Dispensary / First Aid coordination
v) Inspections and audit coordination [Internal & External].
w) Developing and implementing necessary admin policy with management approval.
x) Staff bus & Canteen Management
Shall be regions Within Lake zone    
All applications should be addressed to Head HR & Administration, Nyanza Bottling Company Limited, P.O. Box 2086, Mwanza, Tanzania. Or via e-mail to: nagaraja@nbcl.biz or   jane@nbcl.biz  on or before 20th April 2017

Employment at Coca Cola Company Limited - Deadline 20th April 2017 Employment at Coca Cola Company Limited - Deadline  20th April 2017 Reviewed by Unknown on 12:46:00 AM Rating: 5
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