Consultant to Develop & Initiate BMU Sustainable Financing Strategy
Consultant to Develop & Initiate BMU Sustainable Financing Strategy
For the past nine years, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in Tanzania has been working with ministries responsible for fisheries management, the Ministry of Regional Administration and Local Governments and various Local Government Authorities notably in Rufiji, Kilwa, Mafia, Temeke and Mtwara Rural districts to institute community involvement in fisheries management and strengthen fisheries governance. The foundation for this fisheries co-management was set by the establishment of Beach Management Units (BMUs) which are institutions at the village level which take care of managing fishing activities and set up a platform from which fisheries issues are discussed.
To effectively implement its activities, BMUs need financial resources to pay for various services and equipment. Currently, BMUs derive their funds from sources identified in the BMU bylaws. Such funds include levies (anchorage fees, permits etc.), fines and fees for fisher-recognition during licensing. Experience so far shows that funds from these sources are generally insufficient and not sustainable, unfortunately necessitating the need for more robust and sustainable sources of revenue to support BMUs operations.
WWF Tanzania is thus seeking to recruit a consultant to facilitate the development and initial implementation of sustainable financing strategies for BMUs, in collaboration with district councils.
Interested candidates may request and/or obtain the full terms of reference for this consultancy from the WWF Tanzania Office, located at:
Plot 350, Regent Estate Mikocheni P.O. Box 6311, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Tell: +255 22 277 5346/277 2455/270 0077 Fax: +255 22 277 5535 Mail:
Deadline: All interested candidates should send their applications not later than Wednesday, 12 th October 2016 at 5:00pm EAT through
Mwananchi 13 September, 2016
Consultant to Provide Capacity Building for Fisheries Co-Management Team
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) has been operating its fisheries comanagement programme in Tanzania since 2007. This programme started as a pilot in WWF’s RUMAKI Sea Scape programme, covering coastal villages of Rufiji, Mafia and Kilwa. To achieve its goal, the fisheries co-management programme operates two interventions. These are: (1) facilitation of savings & loans groups so as to improve access to capital and building of entrepreneurial capacity of community members so as to diversify their livelihood means; and (2) enhancement of fisheries governance, which is perceived to be a means to achieving the long term goal of sustainable of fisheriesbased livelihoods. As a pilot programme, fisheries co-management work has largely been done through “learning by doing” and internal capacity building.
WWF Tanzania is seeking to recruit a short-term consultant to provide 5 – day training to a group of up to 22 participants from WWF office and district partners directly involved in implementation of the programme. The training should cover the following areas: principles of fisheries management and associated strategies; fisheries comanagement as an approach or tool for fisheries management; conflict management and resolution (in view of natural resources use); lobbying and advocacy strategies; Group mentoring skills; and monitoring & evaluation.
Interested candidates may request and/or obtain the full terms of reference for this con sultancy from the WWF Tanzania Office, located at:
Plot 350, Regent Estate Mikocheni P.O. Box 6311, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Tell: +255 22 277 5346/277 2455/270 0077 Fax: +255 22 277 5535 Mail:
Deadline: All interested candidates should send their applications not later than Wednesday, 12th October 2016 at 5:00pm EAT through
Mwananchi 13 September, 2016
Consultant to Capture & Document BMU Experience & Lessons
The EU-WWF Fisheries Co-Management Programme is an action to contribute towards alleviating economic poverty of 67 rural and semi-rural coastal communities in Tanzania by improving fisheries management and biodiversity conservation. The action was initiated in Rufiji, Mafia and Kilwa districts under the RUMAKI Seascape Programme in 2005, and then extended to include Mtwara and Temeke districts from 2013.
Resulting from the collaborative efforts of WWF, the Fisheries Division of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, the District Council of the five programme districts and partners such as Youth Vision of Kigamboni and others, 59 Beach Management Units (BMUs) have been established and mentored, benchmarking the communities’ involvement in fisheries management as stipulated in the fisheries legislation.
WWF Tanzania is seeking torecruit a short-term consultant to capture and document lessons and experiences of BMUs operations in the EU-WWF Fisheries CoManagement Programme’s area of operation.
Interested candidates may request and/or obtain the full terms of reference for this consultancy from the WWF Tanzania Office, located at:
Plot 350, Regent Estate Mikocheni P.O. Box 6311, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Tell: +255 22 277 5346/277 2455/270 0077 Fax: +255 22 277 5535 E-Mail:
Deadline: All interested candidates should send their applications not later than Wednesday, 12th October 2016 at 5:00pm EAT through
Mwananchi 13 September, 2016
Consultant to Develop & Initiate BMU Sustainable Financing Strategy
For the past nine years, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in Tanzania has been working with ministries responsible for fisheries management, the Ministry of Regional Administration and Local Governments and various Local Government Authorities notably in Rufiji, Kilwa, Mafia, Temeke and Mtwara Rural districts to institute community involvement in fisheries management and strengthen fisheries governance. The foundation for this fisheries co-management was set by the establishment of Beach Management Units (BMUs) which are institutions at the village level which take care of managing fishing activities and set up a platform from which fisheries issues are discussed.
To effectively implement its activities, BMUs need financial resources to pay for various services and equipment. Currently, BMUs derive their funds from sources identified in the BMU bylaws. Such funds include levies (anchorage fees, permits etc.), fines and fees for fisher-recognition during licensing. Experience so far shows that funds from these sources are generally insufficient and not sustainable, unfortunately necessitating the need for more robust and sustainable sources of revenue to support BMUs operations.
WWF Tanzania is thus seeking to recruit a consultant to facilitate the development and initial implementation of sustainable financing strategies for BMUs, in collaboration with district councils.
Interested candidates may request and/or obtain the full terms of reference for this consultancy from the WWF Tanzania Office, located at:
Plot 350, Regent Estate Mikocheni P.O. Box 6311, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Tell: +255 22 277 5346/277 2455/270 0077 Fax: +255 22 277 5535 Mail:
Deadline: All interested candidates should send their applications not later than Wednesday, 12 th October 2016 at 5:00pm EAT through
Mwananchi 13 September, 2016
Consultant to Provide Capacity Building for Fisheries Co-Management Team
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) has been operating its fisheries comanagement programme in Tanzania since 2007. This programme started as a pilot in WWF’s RUMAKI Sea Scape programme, covering coastal villages of Rufiji, Mafia and Kilwa. To achieve its goal, the fisheries co-management programme operates two interventions. These are: (1) facilitation of savings & loans groups so as to improve access to capital and building of entrepreneurial capacity of community members so as to diversify their livelihood means; and (2) enhancement of fisheries governance, which is perceived to be a means to achieving the long term goal of sustainable of fisheriesbased livelihoods. As a pilot programme, fisheries co-management work has largely been done through “learning by doing” and internal capacity building.
WWF Tanzania is seeking to recruit a short-term consultant to provide 5 – day training to a group of up to 22 participants from WWF office and district partners directly involved in implementation of the programme. The training should cover the following areas: principles of fisheries management and associated strategies; fisheries comanagement as an approach or tool for fisheries management; conflict management and resolution (in view of natural resources use); lobbying and advocacy strategies; Group mentoring skills; and monitoring & evaluation.
Interested candidates may request and/or obtain the full terms of reference for this con sultancy from the WWF Tanzania Office, located at:
Plot 350, Regent Estate Mikocheni P.O. Box 6311, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Tell: +255 22 277 5346/277 2455/270 0077 Fax: +255 22 277 5535 Mail:
Deadline: All interested candidates should send their applications not later than Wednesday, 12th October 2016 at 5:00pm EAT through
Mwananchi 13 September, 2016
Consultant to Capture & Document BMU Experience & Lessons
The EU-WWF Fisheries Co-Management Programme is an action to contribute towards alleviating economic poverty of 67 rural and semi-rural coastal communities in Tanzania by improving fisheries management and biodiversity conservation. The action was initiated in Rufiji, Mafia and Kilwa districts under the RUMAKI Seascape Programme in 2005, and then extended to include Mtwara and Temeke districts from 2013.
Resulting from the collaborative efforts of WWF, the Fisheries Division of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, the District Council of the five programme districts and partners such as Youth Vision of Kigamboni and others, 59 Beach Management Units (BMUs) have been established and mentored, benchmarking the communities’ involvement in fisheries management as stipulated in the fisheries legislation.
WWF Tanzania is seeking torecruit a short-term consultant to capture and document lessons and experiences of BMUs operations in the EU-WWF Fisheries CoManagement Programme’s area of operation.
Interested candidates may request and/or obtain the full terms of reference for this consultancy from the WWF Tanzania Office, located at:
Plot 350, Regent Estate Mikocheni P.O. Box 6311, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Tell: +255 22 277 5346/277 2455/270 0077 Fax: +255 22 277 5535 E-Mail:
Deadline: All interested candidates should send their applications not later than Wednesday, 12th October 2016 at 5:00pm EAT through
Mwananchi 13 September, 2016
Jobs at The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
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7:48:00 AM