Political Affairs Officer - Political Affairs Division

Reference: 130400465
Location: London, Uk | Salary: £56,621 per annum gross
Closing Date: 30 May 2013

Job Summary

The Political Affairs Officer has specific responsibility for monitoring developments in Commonwealth Africa (particularly West Africa), and providing policy advice and other forms of support to the Director of PAD, under the immediate supervision of the Head of Section.
The post-holder:
  • Monitors international developments, relevant to Commonwealth member states in the Africa region (particularly West Africa);
  • Prepares briefs, background papers, short-term research projects and longer term in depth research studies on a range of international issues;
  • Contributes to the development of the Secretariat’s policy in the assigned region by way of advice and recommendations;
  • Keeps abreast of academic and other research in specialised areas which have a bearing on professional duties; develops expertise on specialized subjects that assume importance in the Commonwealth context;
  • Participates in seminars and other colloquia on relevant issues organised by various institutions in both government and non-government sectors;
  • Travels with the Secretary-General, Deputy Secretary-General and Director as and when called upon to do so;
  • Represents the Secretariat on his/her own at external meetings and events as required;
  • Assists in arrangements for meetings of Heads of Government, Foreign Ministers, the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group and other high-level bodies on matters covered by the Division, including the preparation, editing and co-ordination of documentation for such meetings, as well as preparation of minutes.

Qualifications and Work Experience

  • A degree in a relevant subject such as political science or international relations.
  • Desirable: A postgraduate degree in a relevant subject such as political science or international relations.
  • At least three years’ experience in international affairs, preferably in an international organisation or government department and familiarity with the political landscape in Africa (particularly West Africa).

About the Political Affairs Division

The Political Affairs Division (PAD) is the lead division in the Secretariat’s high-profile programme for the promotion of democracy and good governance in the Commonwealth.  The division works closely with the Secretary-General, providing him with advice and support on all political issues, and particularly in his Good Offices role.  Its work ranges from monitoring and analysis of political developments and the preparation of briefings, to the organisation of election observation and the provision of technical assistance.  The work is often of great sensitivity and involves demanding timetables.

PAD is also responsible for organising and servicing the biennial Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings (CHOGM), the annual Commonwealth Foreign Affairs Ministers’ meeting (CFAMM) and other meetings, including meetings of the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMAG).

Further Information

Political Affairs Officer - Political Affairs Division Political Affairs Officer - Political Affairs Division Reviewed by Unknown on 4:27:00 AM Rating: 5
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