Monitoring And Evaluation Specialist - Design And Implementation Of A DFID Funded Conditional Cash Transfers Programme In Malawi

DFID Cash Transfer Project under Keeping Girls in School (KGIS) Programme in Malawi
M&E Specialist(s)
IPE Global is currently seeking candidates for the position of M&E Specialist for a Cash Transfer project in Malawi. This is a three-year programme with possibility of 1 year extension. The position will require close cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST).
This positions require both National and International consultants, with nationals being required full time, and international consultants being required for a short-term (Upto 60 days per year).
Formal Requirements
  • Advanced university degree in economics, statistics or other related fields;
  • Professional fluency in English, knowledge of Chichewa an asset.
Required Professional Experience and Skills
  • At least 10 year of experience setting up M&E systems including indicator development, logframe finalisation, MIS, and production of manuals and research methodologies for similar large-scale donor-funded cash transfer/social protection, education and  gender /social transformation programmes;
  • Extensive experience in the development of a DFID logframe;
  • Experience mainstreaming gender considerations throughout the M&E system;
  • Experience in setting up and implementing systems and procedures for data collection, analysis, verification and reporting against logframe objectives for M&E purposes;
  • Strong-track record in designing  compliance mechanisms and impact evaluations for social protection programmes;
  • Experience in designing and supervising the implementation of baseline and monitoring surveys;
  • Experience in training and coordinating a mix of implementing partners and community workers for data collection and analysis.
Desired Professional Experience and Skills
  • Experience in provision of capacity-building on M&E issues to CSOs/NGOs and national/district level officials an asset
  • Experience in designing an M&E system also aiming at capturing and documenting lesson learning from the programme to feed into decisions during the implementation phase
  • Knowledge of education sector in Malawi and the challenges around girls education
  • Knowledge and experience working with the CSO/NGO/CBO sector in Malawi
  • Excellent knowledge of the district structure of Malawi, and extensive experience in community engagement across the country
For candidates who are interested in this position and meet the above criteria, please submit a CV and brief letter of introduction to Mr. Aditya Khurana ( before 30th April, 2013.
For more information about IPE Global, please visit our web site at
Organization Description
IPE Global is an ISO 9001:2008 certified organization promoted by established practitioners and sector experts. Based in India with operational presence in Kenya, Ethiopia, UK and Bangladesh, IPE provides specialized consulting services to support international development. IPEs areas of operation include good governance, public financial management and resource management, internal auditing, FRA’s, PER’s, fiscal and economic management studies, MTEF, MTFF, capacity building and training, education & health systems development, poverty alleviation, policy advocacy, socioeconomics development, inclusive growth, poverty and livelihoods),urban development, economic management etc.
 IPE specializes in core areas of impact assessments, monitoring and evaluation, expenditure and resource flow tracking, diagnostic assessments, institutional strengthening and capacity building, public-private partnership initiatives, training need assessment,  legal & regulatory framework and infrastructure development, socio-economic analysis, procurement, feasibility studies, third party evaluations, policy design & advocacy. Internal Audit Strategy, Risk Based Assessment, FRA, Designing Audit Manuals, etc., falls under the purview of Public Management Reform Group within the company which has a dedicated team of senior and mid-level experts specialized in key areas like public expenditure management, fiscal management, decentralization, auditing, budgetary management, etc. having knowledge of ground level realities, problems and issues in the different parts of the country and internationally.
 Over the last decade, IPE has successfully implemented over 300 projects in 20 countries with over 500 government agencies (central/ provincial/local) making it a leading development sector consultancy organisation in the region. IPE has to its credit undertaking multi-sectoral projects across Africa (Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Tanzania and Botswana); Asia (Bangladesh, India, China, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bhutan) Middle East (Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Jordan) etc. IPE has provided services to international support agencies including The World Bank, DFID, USAID, EU, ADB, JBIC, JICA, UNDP, UNICEF, The Global Fund, DANIDA, ACBF, GTZ and various other government and private sector agencies. IPE is dedicated on building tenets of good governance and policy development for the state, local governments and public agencies that enables government managers to effectively and efficiently manage complex multi-stakeholder processes. Government is the biggest sector IPE serves and has worked with National Governments of India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, among others.
Monitoring And Evaluation Specialist - Design And Implementation Of A DFID Funded Conditional Cash Transfers Programme In Malawi Monitoring And Evaluation Specialist - Design And Implementation Of A DFID Funded Conditional Cash Transfers Programme In Malawi Reviewed by Unknown on 3:54:00 AM Rating: 5
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