FSDT SME Finance Specialist

Position Description:
Making it count for your career
Recruitment of the SME Finance Specialist

Our client Financial Sector Deepening Trust (FSDTis a trust funded by five international development partners; DANIDACIDADFIDSIDA, the Netherlands as well as the Government of Tanzania. TheFSDT was incorporated in June 2004 with a goal to achieve a deeper financial system that provides access to more Tanzanians, more specifically for enterprises, rural and poor individuals. The FSDTfunds a wide variety of initiatives and invests in the financial sector using grants, loans, subordinated debt and other instruments.

The FSDT intends to appoint the SME Finance Specialist (SFSwill drive initiatives to increase access to and use of finance by enterprises in Tanzania. Enterprises have potential to change the lives of many people through employment creation and increased incomes.
The SFS will report directly to the Technical Director and will focus primarily on:
  • Providing specialist advice on SME finance to banks and other financial institutions
  • Policy analysis and advice to FSDT stakeholders on SME finance and related market development
  • Contributing to the management of the FSDT’s overall portfolio of projects and investments.

Summary of Key Duties and Responsibilities

The SME Specialist will be accountable and responsible for, among others to:

  • Strategic and Business Planning-Developing and periodically updating FSDT’s strategy for SMEmarket, conducting market analysis and research to identify gaps and interventions required

  • Investment Cycle Management-Develop and maintaining a pipeline and managing of new investment opportunities for the FSDT

  • Project appraisal and due diligence: Assessing potential new investments and undertaking necessary due diligence

  • Identify issues and problems that need addressing at the organisation or transaction (micro); building knowledge, capacity and financial sector infrastructure (meso); and the policy, legal and regulatory (macro) level

  • Reviewing proposals from beneficiaries and manage the proposal process

  • Managing the project lifecycle

  • Monitoring and evaluation (M&E)-Monitoring the progress of investments made by each investee
  • Providing continuing strategic input and technical support to investees in order to maximisedevelopmental returns in the SME market
  • Identifying under-performance or other non-compliance against terms of funding agreements or contracts and proposing appropriate actions
  • Strategic Linkages-Developing and maintaining strategic linkages and liaising with relevant agencies of Government of Tanzania, regulators, policy makers, private sector players and development partners and to ensure that the FSDT programme responds effectively to policy and regulatory demands of the market.
  • Operations and Administrative Duties-Support in ensure appropriate reporting mechanisms are working to allow efficient accounting to the trustees, funders and other investors in the FSDT.

Qualifications and experience required
  • Minimum of a first degree level or equivalent in economics/finance/accounting/business but others will be considered

  • At least 5-10 years’ experience working in financial services, a development bank, private financial institution or consulting firm – or a combination of these.

  • Experience in SME finance, banking and microfinance, or experience in financing rural enterprises is valuable. Knowledge and understanding of latest developments in SME finance in developing economies

  • Capacity to identify and effectively appraise sound investment opportunities for financial sector development

  • Experience preparing subcontracts and grant agreements and providing effective monitoring of projects and effective management of budgets

  • Computer literate (especially MS Office and MS Projects)

  • Self starter, good planner, and a logical thinker 

  • Very familiar with working to tight deadlines, patient and unflappable under pressure

  • Ability to transfer skills effectively to colleagues and counterparts.

  • Must be a Tanzanian national. Women are strongly encouraged to apply although appointment will be purely on merit.

Remuneration will depend on the experience and qualifications of the successful applicant.

Application Instructions:
If you believe your career objectives match this challenging role, please write in confidence to the address below by Wednesday 24th April 2013 at 14.00hrs quoting the title for the position you are applying for including your CV, qualifications, experience, contact details, and names addresses of three references together with copies of relevant certificates and testimonials to:

Executive Search and Selection, People and Change Advisory,
PricewaterhouseCoopers Limited, Pemba House, 369 Toure Drive,
P O Box 45, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

You can also send your application to recruit@tz.pwc.com by Wednesday 24th April 2013.Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
FSDT SME Finance Specialist FSDT SME Finance Specialist Reviewed by Unknown on 11:56:00 PM Rating: 5
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