AUWSA Human Resources and Administration Manager

Area: Arusha
Application Deadline: Apr 30, 2013

Position Description:
The Arusha Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (AUWSA) is a legally established entity responsible for overall operations and management of water supply and sewerage services in ArushaCity. It is among the best Authorities in Tanzania.
The core function of the Authority is to deliver excellent water supply and sewerage services for all categories of customers and stakeholders in Arusha City.
In order to attain its vision and mission, AUWSA is seeking to recruit dynamic, experienced, competent and qualified Tanzanians to fill the following vacant posts:
One Post
Reports to:Managing Director
Qualifications and Experience:
The successful applicant must be a holder of;
Degree or Advanced Diploma in Human Resources Management Public Administration,
Master's Degree in Business Administration: Human Resources Management I Public Administration. Working experience of at least 3 years in Human Resources Management I Public Administration in a large or medium business organisation.
Must be computer literacy with any other Human resources application software.
Main Duties & Responsibilities:
The Human Resources and Administration Manager is the head of Department responsible for Human resources and Administration matters.
Liaises with the Finance Manager, Customer Services Manager and Technical Manager in the formulation of work performance targets so that the department could run it activities efficiently and effectively.
Ensures existence and operationalization of Human Resources procedures and methods and that they conform to ISO. The procedures include employment, deployment, confirmation, performance management, training, promotion, remuneration and disciplining.
Ensures that standard procedures in operation for salary reviews and incremental progression are observed and a harmonious working environment for the whole Authority is maintained.
Ensures regular reviews of performance of individual employees through performance assessment and appraisal (OPRAS) are conducted.
Ensures the existence of organization structure, manning levels, recruitment and selection procedures and staffing of the Authority with the right number of staff who are properly qualified and experienced.
Ensures that the Human Resources Section maintains schedules of manpower and skills inventory needs for the Authority at all levels, considering both current and future operations.
Ensures the existence of staff development and training program and training opportunities for high potential employees in the Authority.
Ensure the existence, implementation and review of human resources policies (e.g. for leave, training, discipline, employment, remuneration, HIV/AIDS, manpower succession, adoption of the current Labor Laws etc).
Ensures availability and implementation of the overall human resources attraction and retention strategies in order to avail the Authority with the right people in the right positions
Administrative Responsibilities:
Ensures that procedures          and    methods for Administrative functions are in place and they conform to the ISO. These include security, safety, motor vehicle management, cleanliness, repair and rehabilitation of assets and postal services.
Ensures proper administration of transport and upkeep and maintenance of the Authority's vehicles, motorcycles and plant.
Performs such other related duties as may be assigned by the Managing Director.

Most competitive salary and remuneration in line with AUWSA Scheme of Service and Salary Structure will be offered to the right candidate, having relevant qualifications, required skills and experience.

Application Instructions:
Please submit your application letter together with detailed current-certified curriculum vitae, which includes your complete contacts details, copies of qualification certificates and enclosing two letters from referees with their contacts (mobile, box numbers, and e-mail).
For Head of Procurement Unit the two referee's letters should be from either of the following registered Board (NBAA / PSPTB) with their contacts (mobile, box numbers, and e-mail).
In addition to the qualifications mentioned above, the incumbent is expected to posses the following:
High integrity and ability to adopt changes quickly.
Capacity to work hard under pressure and meet strict deadlines.
Ability to work together as a team, establish and maintain effective working relations with different people and stakeholders.
Ability to work under minimum supervision.
Applications should be addressed to the undersigned, so as to reach not later than

Managing Director,
Arusha Urban Water Supply & Sewerage Authority
P.O.BOX 13600,
Wachagga Road: P.O. Box 13600, Arusha Tel: + 250 4163, 250 6124, Fax: 2504163, 2548981
 Website Link below
AUWSA is an equal opportunity employer, women are highly encouraged to apply.
Only short listed candidates (who meet requirements) will be considered and invited for an interview
AUWSA Human Resources and Administration Manager AUWSA Human Resources and Administration Manager Reviewed by Unknown on 8:52:00 AM Rating: 5
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