Senior/Principal Climate & Sustainability Finance Specialist

Job #:130806
Title:Senior/Principal Climate & Sustainability Finance Specialist
Job Stream:Technical Assistance & Advisory Services
Location:To Be Determined
Closing Date:04/14/2013
Background / General description:
The mission of the IFC, the private sector arm of the World Bank Group, is to promote sustainable private sector investment in developing countries, helping to reduce poverty and to improve people's lives. As part of this mission, Environmental and Social Sustainability and Climate Change mitigation and adaptation are core elements in IFC’s strategic priorities in the Africa region. Improved Environmental and Social Risk Management services and the promotion of sustainable and climate friendly investments including energy efficiency, renewable energy and resource efficiency projects are also central to IFC’s Advisory Services objectives. An important target of our Climate and Sustainability activity are the local financial markets that can play a critical role in scaling up sustainability and climate practices, and lending. IFC’s Investment and Advisory arms work together to help support this.

To help coordinate the above mandate in Africa, IFC is recruiting a Climate and Sustainability Financial Lead for its Access to Finance (A2F) Business Line. The position will be based in Nairobi or Johannesburg with a primary reporting line to the Regional A2F Business Manager and a secondary reporting line to the Financial Markets (CFM) Head for Africa. The position will be part of of IFC’s Core Banking team , with an additional reporting line to the Program lead of Core Banking in order to help facilitate a One IFC Face to the Client. Significant amounts of travel within the region will be required.


The position entails operational and strategic leadership of two core activities:

1) Sustainable Energy Finance Program (SEF) 

2) Environmental & Social Performance Market Development Program (EPMD) 

Sustainable Energy Finance Program (SEF)

IFC’s Africa Sustainable Energy Finance Program was launched in 2010 to stimulate investment in cleaner production, energy efficiency and renewable energy projects by supporting financial institutions (FI’s) to invest in this business. The program is currently operating in Kenya and South Africa. The program helps financial institutions to identify and finance viable projects in Energy Efficiency ("EE") and Renewable Energy ("RE"). In parallel with investments, IFC provides technical assistance to its partner financial institutions to develop internal capacity to identify, implement and manage complex EE/RE finance programs. Projects typically help financial institutions to: identify market opportunities, establish partnerships with key market players, develop new financial products, assess and manage the risks of various types of EE/RE transactions, and monitor environmental impacts resulting from financed transactions

The Specialist will support the A2F team in generating, implementing and monitoring a portfolio of advisory projects with financial institutions (FIs) in the SEF sector. He/she will support the development, design and management oversight of all projects aimed at scaling up advisory services to financial intermediaries in the SEF sector, and will have responsibility for contributing to the development of a sector strategy, managing relationships with selected strategic partners, and carrying out business development activities.

Environmental & Social Performance Market Development (EPMD)

IFC has developed the Environmental Performance and Market Development (EPMD) Program with the objective of increasing the uptake of E&S Standards by financial institutions in Sub Saharan Africa, intended to lead to an improvement in the E&S performance of FIs in the long term. EPMD is a phased 3-year program that will help build market capacity for improved E&S performance of FIs and their clients working with local partner organizations in six selected countries (Nigeria, South Africa, Cote d’Ivoire, Kenya, Ghana and Senegal). In parallel, the program will focus on building capacity of financial institutions and consultants. 

Program activities include (i) capacity building and partnerships to improve E&S standards at the market level, involving industry associations, regulators and government agencies, (ii) training for FIs and consultants through partnerships with local strategic training partners, (iii) development of communication platforms and reports to raise awareness of the business case for E&S management and the technical support available.
Duties and Accountabilities:
Sustainable Energy Finance Program (SEF)

•Scoping technical and commercial market potential for sustainable energy in targeted countries.

•Identifying gaps and needs for developing sustainable energy in targeted countries.

•Overseeing the preparation and updating of IFC’s SEF strategy to address climate change issues, including preparation and updating of applicable tools, formats/manuals and procedures. 

•Developing innovative approaches for sustainable energy project development and financing, through partnerships and transaction structures with local vendors, Energy Service Companies (ESCOs), engineering companies, banks and other market players. 

•Providing expert advice to investment and advisory services teams and external financial sector clients on the potential and scope for the sustainable energy sector.

•Internally process technical assistance projects in parallel with investment deals, including drafting of appraisal reports, client proposals, internal approval documentation, consultant Terms of references and legal documents.

•Negotiating project details and Advisory Agreements with clients.

•Helping to identify and manage consultant teams delivering advisory services to IFC clients, ensuring the timely delivery of results according to Terms of references.

•Monitoring the progress and impact of projects through regular reporting and evaluation of consultants and project performance.

•Providing leadership in establishing and managing partnerships and networking initiatives with key players in the climate change space to advance IFC’s SEF agenda.

•Representing IFC in selected national, regional and global conferences, workshops and training seminars.

•Supporting fundraising efforts in sustainable energy, including the development of funding proposals for consideration of donors.

•Ensuring knowledge sharing across the Sub-Saharan Africa region as well as globally. 

•Identify and develop innovative approaches for sustainable energy project development and financing, through partnerships and transaction structures with local vendors, engineering companies, banks and other market players. Such approaches should also involve Sustainable Business Advisory Services (SBA) and other parts of IFC.

Environmental & Social Performance Market Development (EPMD)

•Implementing pilot projects in Nigeria and South Africa (managing the scoping, design, mobilization and launch of EPMD projects) and development of plans for broader roll-out across in Africa. 

•Coordinating efforts with other DFIs (FMO, DEG, AfDB, EIB) to draw on lessons learned from other DFI initiatives.

•Developing partnerships with capacity building entities and local consultants.

•Meeting with Central Banks, banking associations, environmental regulators and other industry associations to discuss E&S policies, standards, guideline development, tools and training.

•Coordinating the development of E&S training curriculum and train-the-trainer activities (provided by IFC specialists to the partner organizations). 

•Developing and managing IFC internal documentation including project documentation, M&E mechanisms, procurement plans and financial management processes.

•Providing input to a mid-term evaluation of project progress and initial recommendations for scale-up of the program. 

•Coordinating closely with the A2F/SBA/CES teams in Africa and the global Environment and Social Risk Management (ESRM) product team in DC.

•Manage the internal stakeholder engagement process within IFC (interaction with A2F, SBA, CES, CGF and global ESRM product teams) to ensure that strategic priorities for business development are aligned, and approaches taken are consistent with IFC principles. 

•Participate in fund raising for EPMD activities in Africa as needed. He/she will help develop funding proposals and provide information for donor reports as necessary.
Selection Criteria:
•Masters in Finance, Business, Environmental Sciences, or Economics with 10+years of experience. 

•Minimum 5 years of work experience in the Sustainable Energy (SE) and Environmental and Social sectors, including hands-on experience in assessing energy efficiency and other SE investments.

•Experience in commercial banking, private equity, or industrial investment is highly desired.

•Extensive knowledge of energy and environmental markets in Sub-Saharan Africa or other emerging market regions and knowledge of international best practices and global trends in the industry. 

•Ability to develop relationships and partnerships with technical and financial market players.

•Proven ability to effectively plan, direct, organize and administer diverse activities to ensure effective delivery of work programs.

•Excellent communication and presentation skills in English, French language skills are an advantage.

•Experience and proven ability to work with senior management of Government institutions, industry associations and financial institutions. 

•Good interpersonal skills and team spirit., Ability to communicate ideas clearly, confidently and properly with colleagues and seniors. 

•Ability to work under pressure and handle multiple tasks simultaneously.
Senior/Principal Climate & Sustainability Finance Specialist Senior/Principal Climate & Sustainability Finance Specialist Reviewed by Unknown on 4:23:00 AM Rating: 5
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