Low Carbon Tourism Expert

Montenegro is a small country on the Adriatic Sea covering surface area of only 13.8 square kilometres and with a population of only 620,000 people. Yet it boasts some of the most spectacular scenery in the world and unparalleled richness and diversity of natural and cultural resources. Montenegro’s prime touristic attractions include 300 kilometres of stunning coastline with 60 kilometres of beaches, historical and cultural monuments, mountain ranges, virgin forests and national parks. Because of this, as well as of favourable political and economic climate, over the last decade Montenegro has seen unprecedented inflow of visitors and investment in its tourism sector. In 2011, more than 1.3 million tourists visited Montenegro, twice as much as domestic population and ten times more than just a decade ago (i.e. tourists’ count was 120,000 in 2002). Tourism’s total contribution to GDP has by now reached 17.2% and is projected to rise to 36.3% GDP by 2021. Similarly, the investment in the sector amounted for 164.6 mln € in 2011, or 23.6% of total capital investment.
As a main driver of Montenegro’s economic growth and investment, the tourism sector is responsible directly and indirectly for the large share of GHG emissions from the transport, accommodation and other tourism-related activities. According to Montenegro’s Initial National Communication (INC) to UNFCCC, submitted on 12th October 2010, in the business-as-usual scenario Montenegro’s GHG emissions will rise by 40% in 2020 above 1990 baseline. By contributing to over third of GDP and a half of capital investment in infrastructure, the tourism sector will inevitably be an important, if not the leading, factor in a projected GHG emissions increase. Apart from the direct GHG emissions, the indirect climate change impact of millions of holiday-makers is also substantial, first, because of their sheer numbers in proportion to small local population and, second, because of their more carbon intensive life-style and consumption patterns.
In the business-as-usual scenario, the carbon footprint of Montenegro tourism will continue to grow as a result of large-scale investment in tourist infrastructure and constantly growing number of travellers. The Government of Montenegro sees tourism as the main driver of economic growth and income generation, but also fully realizes the environmental challenges associated with its rapid development and is committed to address them as part of the National Sustainable Development Strategy and Tourism Development Master Plan. The Government is firmly committed to develop its tourism sector on a sustainable basis, it is putting in place the required policy and regulatory framework to attract large-scale investment in tourism infrastructure, but also to steer them in a more environmentally sustainable way. The proposed project will build on these commitments and efforts by enhancing the focus of national efforts on minimizing the carbon footprint of tourism and promoting Montenegro as a place for climate conscious tourism and “carbon neutral” holiday destination. 
This project will adopt a comprehensive approach to minimizing the carbon footprint of Montenegro’s main and most dynamic economic sector, the tourism. Its ultimate objective is to reduce GHG emissions from Montenegro’s tourism sector. It will do so by promoting country’s transition towards a carbon neutral travel & tourism, minimizing energy use and transport in and around new green field development projects, helping tourism industry to identify and implement cost-effective mitigation options in travel and accommodation sectors, as well as introducing carbon offset scheme and other innovative financial mechanisms to compensate for the residual emissions and generate additional revenues for climate mitigation and adaptation actions in tourism. The project will constitute of five components, as follows:
  • Component 1: Low-carbon spatial planning and green field development in tourism; 
  • Component 2: Investment in low-carbon tourism infrastructure; 
  • Component 3: Sustainable Transport in the Bay of Kotor; 
  • Component 4: Leveraging additional financing for mitigation actions in tourism sector; 
  • Component 5: Knowledge, Information and Awareness about tourism sector carbon footprint and emission reduction potential among tourists and industry stakeholders.
The objective of the PPG is to develop a full-sized project that aims to reduce GHG emissions from Montenegro’s tourism sector by minimizing the carbon footprint of tourism and promoting Montenegro as a place for climate conscious tourism and “carbon neutral” holiday destination.

Duties and Responsibilities

Objectives of the assignment: 

The end result of assignment will be completed Request for CEO Endorsement/Approval document and Project Document for the UNDP-GEF FSP “Towards Carbon Neutral Tourism”.

The task of the International Consultant will be scoping the UNDP-GEF FSP “Towards Carbon Neutral Tourism” in all segments related to sustainable (low carbon) tourism issues and development of corresponding parts of Project Document to be submitted for CEO Endorsement/Approval. The Low Carbon Tourism Expert will work as a member of team of international consultants (Lead Expert, Spatial Planning Expert, Sustainable Transport Expert, as well as local experts). The consultant will be supervised by Lead Expert, and will be obligated to provide guidance to Lead Consultant for all questions and issues related to sustainable tourism.
Job content:
Under the overall guidance of UNDP Sustainable Energy and Climate Change Programme Manager, and in coordination with the national consultants and as informed by guidance from the UNDP/GEF Regional Technical Advisor, the International Consultant/Low Carbon Development Expert (acting in his/her individual capacity) will provide  support in reviewing the strategy for project development as approved within PIF and propose ways to strengthen it in light of the global tourism development trends and proposed initiatives including but not limited to: ensure that project strategy reflects tourism and private sector perspectives (in addition to sustainability/environment perspectives); provide  support in connecting carbon offset financial facility to tourism development based on best international practices; identify latest innovation trends globally that can be applied to engaging communities for developing low carbon tourism in coastal areas, as defined in specific tasks under below presented activities:
Analyze, describe and prepare
  • Analysis on existing policy framework,  legal, regulatory and institutional framework for promoting low carbon tourism in Montenegro, with focus on Wild beauty Eco Label for coastal area collected by local experts;
  • Summary of barriers to the effective promotion of low carbon tourism;
  • Advice on the international best practices and lessons learnt in the design and implementation of low carbon tourism development;
  • Roadmap for development and enforcement of policies, regulations and capacity building for CNT;
  • Recommendations for the preparation of project’s logical framework and M&E plan with a set of measurable impact and progress indicators;
  • Specific list of activities with proposed budget.
Scoping of demonstration projects
  • Assist to lead Consultant in identification of stakeholders’ interests and current and potential roles in carbon Neutral Tourism development activities;
  • Assess and tailor stakeholder capacities for implementing low carbon tourism principles;
  • Assist to Lead Consultant in proposing list of needed consultations for defining type and scale of pilot projects;
  • Provide list of selection criteria for demonstration projects;
  • Assist to UNDP team in selection of demonstration sites.
Project Scoping and Definition
  • Consultation with potential partners;
  • Leverage partnerships and commitments for cost sharing;
  • Identify strong private, multi-national sector partners for involvement in the project that would leverage expertise, innovation, funding, and global profile for the project; 
  • Propose composition and mandate of an International Advisory Body.
The expected results and deliverables: 
  • Deliverable 1 – one month after contract signing: Provide Report which will consist of: Analysis of the relevant policies and strategies, Barriers to the effective promotion of low carbon tourism; international best practices and lessons learnt in the design and implementation of sustainable tourism development; Roadmap and list of activities with proposed budget.
  • Deliverable 2 – two months after contract signing: Recommendations of scoping of demonstration projects.
  • Deliverable 3 – three months after contract signing: Contacts established and commitments partners conformed.
A detailed list of deliverables and milestones will be agreed upon during PPG inception workshop in consultation with UNDP. The reports shall be submitted in English language.
Timing and reporting:

The International Consultant must ensure timely preparation and submission of the Request for CEO Endorsement/Approval and comprehensive Project Document for UNDP-GEF FSP “Towards Carbon Neutral Tourism” in Montenegro. All reports must be submitted in English to the UNDP CO in Montenegro and made in accordance with GEF-UNDP’s templates and requirements to reporting (available at www.thegef.org).
Time duration and travel: 

The international consultant will be engaged under Individual Contract, for total of 10 consultancy days, in the period between April – September 2013. In the course of the assignment, the consultant will be expected to undertake one mission to Montenegro, on joint meeting with other experts.  The mission will tentatively last for 5 days. The dates for the missions will be agreed upon between the consultant and UNDP Montenegro.


  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission and strategic goals of UN/UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Ability to lead strategic planning, results-based management and reporting;
  • Builds strong relationships with clients, focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to feedback;
  • Excellent interpersonal and cross-cultural communication skills.
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
  • Demonstrates good oral and written communication skills;
  • Demonstrates ability to manage complexities and work under pressure, as well as conflict resolution skills.

Required Skills and Experience

  • Master's Degree in economy, sustainable development, tourism or related  field.
  • At least ten (10) years of working experience in the field of tourism development;
  • Experience on at least two projects related to low carbon tourism development;
  • Practical experience in implementation and monitoring of demonstration projects related to Low carbon tourism development;
  • Good ability in partnering and networking.
  • Proficiency in English, excellent analytical and drafting skills; preferably knowledge of written and spoken Montenegrin language.
Interested applicants are requested to submit their applications to UNDP Office in Podgorica by e-mail to consultancy.me@undp.org by April 4, 2013.
The application should contain:
Duly completed Personal History Form (P11) can be downloaded from http://www.undp.org.me/files/jobs/index.html
Cover/Motivation Letter
The short-listed candidates only will be requested to submit a letter of interest including a price quotation indicating the lump sum (in EUR) requested for the work and travel envisaged in the section "Duties and Responsibilities".
The procurement notice for this vacancy can be found at: http://www.undp.org.me/files/jobs/index.html
FC: 62000

Low Carbon Tourism Expert Low Carbon Tourism Expert Reviewed by Unknown on 4:58:00 AM Rating: 5
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