IT Technician (Help Desk)

Request for Consultancy: IT Technician (Help Desk)
Procurement No: NPCA/IT/001/2013
Period of services (if applicable): Three (3) months (renewable).
Main responsibilities
Under the supervision of the Head of Finance, Budgeting and Administrative Services of the NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency or his/her delegate, the Information Technology (IT) Technician (Help Desk) will be responsible for providing the related services on the maintenance, Help Desk support to the NEPAD’s IT infrastructure. Specifically, the incumbent will:
  • Administering network
  • Working with Active Directory, adding user’s to distribution lists, managing user accounts, password lockouts, remote desktop support with 3G’s and other mobile communication devices
  • Setting up user’s VPN and/or APN and wireless network as well as configuring 3g cards
  • Troubleshooting Internet Services and installed switches, ADSL modem and router for LAN
  • Dealing with connectivity issues and ensuring that internet connection is always available
  • Adding user’s to the domain and resolving network problems, IP address resolution, system crashes, and anti-virus management
  • Backing up of data and mapping network drives and shared drives on user’s machines and installing and troubleshooting network printers where possible
  • Running installations and configuring desktops and laptops
  • Resolving all Microsoft Office problems, Acrobat reader, and any other installed applications that supports current NEPAD systems
  • Following up on technical aspects of IT subcontracting
  • Develop an administration and a user manual.
  • Evaluate and recommend purchases of IT equipment.
  • Improve staff’s ICT skills by providing regular information of new developments
  • Receiving periodical training
  • Perform any other duties as required within the same capacity.
  • Working knowledge of policy analysis and development and programme and/or project management, implementation and monitoring.
  • Technically competent, knowledgeable, with experience in development issues and administrative management.
  • Excellent computer skills (e.g., MS Word, Excel, Power Point, Access)

Submission requirements
The following documents must accompany the application:
o Motivation Letter (stating reasons for seeking contract with NEPAD Planning & Coordinating Agency) ;
o Detailed Curriculum Vitae of consultants indicating your nationality, age and gender;
o Three (3) referees with good knowledge of the candidate’s work, furnishing full contact details, telephone, fax and e-mail addresses;
o Certified copies of degrees and diplomas.
o Prices should be in USD or ZAR (only for South African bidders)
o The Financial proposal shall not exceed a budget of ZAR 25,000 per month - Please fill in Annex II (Finance Proposal) 
Proposals for Tender Ref.No: NPCA/IT/001/2013 should be submitted to:
For electronic Submission: the email message must be clearly marked “APPLICATION FOR CONSULTANCY – IT TECHNICIAN, HELP DESK” in the Subject Line. E-mail: with a copy to no later than 16.00 Hours on 12th April 2013.
Any request for clarification must be sent in writing, or by standard electronic communication to the e-mail NEPAD will respond in writing or by standard electronic mail and will send written copies of the response, including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry, to all consultants.
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IT Technician (Help Desk) IT Technician (Help Desk) Reviewed by Unknown on 4:03:00 AM Rating: 5
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