IOM National Migration Health Coordinator for Tanzania

Position title: National Migration Health Coordinator for Tanzania
Position grade:NOB
Duty station:IOM Dar es Salaam
Job family:Migration Health
Organizational unit:Migration Health Division
Reporting directly to:Chief of Mission and East Africa Migration Health Coordinator
Overall supervision by:Chief of Mission Tanzania
Managerial responsibility:Manage 1 consultant
Directly reporting staff:1 consultant
Vacancy Number:IOM/001/13
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is a dynamic and growing inter-governmental organization, with 146 member states, committed to the principle that humane and orderly migration benefits migrants and society.
IOM works to help ensure the humane and orderly management of migration, to promote international cooperation on migration issues, to assist in the search for practical solutions to migration issues, and to provide humanitarian assistance to migrants in need, including refugees and internally displaced persons. IOM address the migratory phenomenon from an integral and holistic perspective, including links to development, in order to maximize its benefits and minimize its negative effects.
Migration Health
Following the WHO definition of health as “a state of physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO, 1994),” migration health translates as the physical, mental, and social well-being of migrants, mobile populations and host communities affected by migration. IOM’s Migration Health programmes address the health needs of individual migrants as well as the public health needs of host communities by assisting governmental and non-governmental partners in the development and implementation of relevant policies and programmes. IOM addresses migration health through three global programme areas:
  1. Migration Health Assessments and Travel Assistance: Providing health assessment services to those migrating for employment, study and family reunification purposed as well as refugees on behalf of destination countries. Services include physical examination, laboratory diagnostics, vaccinations, DNA testing, and treatment.
  2. Health Promotion and Assistance for Migrants: Supporting government to provide health services that meet the specific needs of migrants and their host communities, across a wide range of priority areas such as sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR); mental health; immunizations; environmental health and hygiene; outbreak preparedness; and communicable disease prevention, surveillance, and control. Furthermore, this programme area involves health promotion and education on migration health, while developing government and community capacity in identifying and responding to the health-related challenges of migration and population mobility.
  3. Migration Health Assistance for Crisis-affected Populations: Supporting governments and populations during the acute phase and in the aftermath of emergencies by managing health issues related to the mass movement of people, and arranging medical evacuation for individuals. Activities include psychosocial assistance, communicable disease control and response, and reconstruction of damaged health infrastructure.
Since 2003 IOM in the southern Africa region has focused on Health Promotion and Assistance for Migrants through its bi-regional programme, “Partnership on HIV and Mobility in Southern Africa”. As from July 2010 the programme entered its third phase and includes East Africa and is known as the “Partnership on Health and Mobility in East and Southern Africa” (PHAMESA).
PHAMESA aims to contribute to the improved standards of physical, mental and social well-being of migrants by responding to their health needs throughout all phases of the migration process, as well as the public health needs of host communities, using IOM’s network of regional and country missions, and partnerships with Regional Economic Communities, National AIDS Councils, Ministries of Health, Ministries of sectors dealing with mobile and migrant workers, Private Sector Companies, Unions, UN Partners, and International and local CSOs. IOM targets three main groups affected by migration: 1) Migrant, mobile workers and their family members; 2) Asylum seekers and refugees; and 3) People affected by migration and mobility such as families and host communities. Migration in an irregular situation are also a target group.
PHAMESA has 5 distinct yet inter-related components:
(1) Service Delivery and Capacity Building: IOM facilitates, provides and promotes equal access for migrants and mobile populations to comprehensive health care services, with particular attention given to prevention of HIV, TB, and gender based violence.
(2) Advocacy for Policy Development: In order to create a supportive policy environment for responding to Migration Health concerns and public health needs of host communities, component PHAMESA undertakes advocacy for policy development and change at regional, national and sectoral levels, as well as undertake activities to create a conducive general environment for Migration Health.
(3) Research and Information Dissemination: Evidence-based programming and strategic information are critical for effective programming, policy and dialogue. PHAMESA undertakes research to produce evidence and strategic information, and strengthens dissemination of the findings and information so that the research can better inform programmes and policies. IOM also promotes the monitoring of migrants’ health in line with the aforementioned WHA resolution.
(4) Regional Coordination: In order to strengthen the institutional infrastructure and coordinating mechanisms of IOM and other key partners for enhanced collaboration and coordination on Migration Health in East and Southern Africa, PHAMSEA facilitates regional coordination internally among IOM missions and externally with regional partners.
(5) Governance and Control: One of the key lessons learned from previous programme implementation is the importance of ensuring transparent, efficient and effective governance and control
Under the direct supervision of the Chief of Mission, Tanzania, with technical guidance from the East Africa Migration Health Coordinator based in IOM Nairobi, and in close collaboration with the Regional Migration Health Teams in Nairobi and Pretoria, the successful candidate will be responsible for the development and overall implementation of Migration Health programmes and activities in Tanzania.
Core Functions and Responsibilities:
 Manage on-going Migration Health projects and activities in Tanzania, including liaison with national/local authorities, developing logical frameworks/results matrix, producing progress and project narrative reports, interim and final reports, according to the requirements of IOM/donor and reviewing of monitoring reports and financial control;
 Liaise with stakeholders from the Government (e.g. National AIDS Councils and relevant line Ministries such as Health and Labour), UN partners (e.g. UNAIDS, WHO, ILO), trade unions, private sector companies, donors, civil society and academia, to advocate for the realization of migrants’ right to health, and raise profile of IOM’s Migration Health programmes in Tanzania. This includes representing IOM as a member of various coordinating bodies such as the UN Joint Team on AIDS;
 Responsible for management of activities in Tanzania related to regional projects and activities, such as the “Research on Health Vulnerabilities of Mobile Populations and Affected Communities in Selected Ports of Southern Africa”, the Mixed Migration Research under PHAMESA and the One-Stop Border Post interventions under PHAMESA; This includes monitoring and providing technical support to implementation of activities on the ground by project implementing partners;
 Prepare quarterly and annual Migration Health work plans and monitoring reports, as per an agreed format and with specific indicators, for submission to the Regional Migration Health Team in Nairobi;
 Develop and fund-raise for complementary project proposals to strengthen and expand activities in Tanzania;
 Conduct regular technical presentations on IOM’s Migration Health programmes and research;
 Mainstream health within existing IOM programmes and projects;
 Undertake regular duty travel as necessary; and
 Perform any other duties as required.
The incumbent is expected to demonstrate the following technical and behavioural competencies
 Personal commitment, efficiency, flexibility, self-motivation and creative thinking;
 High levels of performance management;
 Client orientation;
 Ability to work independently and as a team member;
 Ability to work effectively and harmoniously with colleagues from varied cultures and professional backgrounds; and
 Demonstrated gender awareness and gender sensitivity
 Strong project management / organisational skills and M&E competencies preferred;
 Excellent communication and negotiation skills;
 Demonstrated skills in writing, presenting, editing and reporting;
 Ability to respond to project development opportunities;
 Excellent inter-personal and communication skills; and
 Computer literacy.
 Advanced degree in the public health or a related discipline; a first-level university degree in combination with qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree;
 Seven years work experience in the field of international health development, public health, HIV, TB, or migration with a strong background in advocacy and project management;
 Knowledge and affinity with health systems, policy environment, as well as social and political dynamics of TB and HIV of Tanzania and Southern Africa in general;
 Previous experience in health related project development, implementation and reporting; and
 Previous experience with IOM/UN organizations will be an advantage
Excellent knowledge of English required.
Knowledge of Kiswahili will be a strong advantage. Knowledge of French is desirable.
How to apply:
Please submit applications to with the vacancy notice number in the subject line of the email. The closing date for applications is April 30th, 2013 For any questions please contact: International Organization for Migration Mission in the United Republic of Tanzania Migration Health Department Slipway Road, off Chole Road, Plot # 1365 -Msasani. PO Box 9270 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Tel: +255 22 2602913 / 2602935 • Fax: +255 22 260 2782 •
IOM National Migration Health Coordinator for Tanzania IOM National Migration Health Coordinator for Tanzania Reviewed by Unknown on 7:36:00 AM Rating: 5
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