Employment Opportunity at The Tanzania Commission for Universities

The Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) is a semi-autonomous statutory
body under the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. TCU is mandated to
recognize, approve, register and accredit universities operating in Tanzania. TCU
also coordinates the proper functioning of all university institutions in Tanzania so
as to foster a harmonized higher education (HE) in the country.

Tanzania Commission for Universities now invites applications from qualified
Tanzanians to fill the following vacant position:

(a) Job Title : Director of Accreditation and Quality Assurance

Appointment: The Commission

Report to : Executive Secretary
Job Summary

The Director of Accreditation and Quality Assurance shall be responsible to the
Commission for the effective management and efficient use of resources, human
resources as well as fiscal and capital resources. He shall, specifically be responsible
for effective coordination of all matters pertaining to accreditation, registration and
quality assurance of university institutions, programmes and awards.
(b) Entry qualifications
(i) Background Knowledge
A potential candidate for this post should have an outstanding academic
background with proven wide range of knowledge. More specifically, the
candidate should have the following background knowledge:-
 Holder of a PhD degree from an accredited or recognized university.
Attainment of the status of Professor or Associate Professor will be an
added advantage;
 Extensive knowledge and experience of higher education systems at a
senior management level;
 Good interpersonal relations.

(ii) Skills and Abilities
The position requires a dynamic, innovative and competent candidate who is
able to:
 Develop a vision and direction for the Directorate;
 Interpret and promote the Commission’s key functions and in particular
functions of the Accreditation Committee;
 Demonstrate skills in management, communication, interpersonal, public
relations, science and innovation;
 Coordinate the regulatory functions of the Commission;
 Knowledge and proven experience in Quality Assurance (QA),
Measurement and Evaluation skills.
(c) Main duties and Responsibilities
The Director of Accreditation and Quality Assurance will be responsible for
overall matters concerning Accreditation and Quality Assurance of the
Commission. In particular, the candidate for this position will be responsible
i) Effective coordination of the accreditation and registration processes
for TCU in order to ensure stakeholder’s satisfaction in TCU services;
ii) Periodical review of higher education academic programmes against
set standards of quality;
iii) Planning various institutional visitations;
iv) Establishing and maintaining the Qualifications Framework for higher
education institutions;
v) Preparing and submitting to Commission through the Executive
Secretary for approval policies, plans and programmes that promote
academic excellence in higher education;
vi) Constantly review and recommend to the Commission for approval
and updating all regulations covering accreditation processes;
vii) Serving as Secretary to the Accreditation Committee;
viii) Performing any other duties that may from time to time be assigned
to him/her by the Executive Secretary.
(d) Performance Measures
Apart from the above responsibilities, the ideal candidate is expected to
ensure the accomplishment of the following:-
 Appropriate policies, plans and programmes for accreditation prepared
on time and submitted to relevant organs for approval;
 Accurate record of academic reviews and reports prepared in time and
presented to the Commission for approval
 Well-coordinated accreditation and QA activities at TCU;
 TCU Accreditation and QA regulations publicized and effectively
marketed to all potential clients locally and internationally;
 Status of HE institutions with respect to Accreditation made known to the
clients regularly;
 Acceptable guidelines, procedures and tools for Accreditation and QA
developed and implemented.
(e) Tenure: Four (4) years; can be reappointed subject to positive performance
(f) Age: Forty (40) years of age and above.
(g) Remuneration
Successful candidate will be paid according to Tanzania Commission for
Universities salary scale.


1. Applicants who meet the stated requirements for the advertised post and would
like to serve the Tanzanian Public Service through Tanzania Commission for
Universities, should send their applications to:

The Executive Secretary
Tanzania Commission for Universities
P.O. Box 6562

2. Signed application letters must be accompanied by:

(a) Proof of Tanzanian citizenship (affidavits will not be accepted)
(b) Applicant’s current CV and two passport size photographs in colour.
(c) Photocopies of transcripts, academic and professional certificates.
(d) Names and full contact addresses and daytime telephone numbers of
three referees.

3. All applications must be posted; personal delivery will not be entertained.

4. All applications must be in hand writing.

5. Applications should reach the Tanzania Commission for Universities latest by
the close of business on 30th March 2016.

6. The title of the position applied for should be marked on the envelope; short of
which will make the application invalid.

7. Presentation of forged academic certificates and other information in the CV will
necessitate instituting legal action.

8. Applicants currently employed in the public service should route their
application letters through their respective employers.

NOTE: Only short-listed candidates who meet the above criteria will be
contacted and those who will not hear from us should consider themselves
Employment Opportunity at The Tanzania Commission for Universities Employment Opportunity at The Tanzania Commission for Universities Reviewed by Unknown on 5:24:00 AM Rating: 5
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