Irrigation Specialist - World Vision


Purpose of the position:
To provide leadership in planning, designing, and oversight of construction of irrigation facilities for harvesting, transporting, storage, and distributing water to agricultural lands. Irrigation facilities include water pans, irrigation canals, Chaco dams, drip irrigation systems, and water reservoirs.
Observe mission and core values of World Vision and demonstrate a quality of spiritual life that is an example to others

Major Responsibilities:

To provide technical advice in the construction and management of irrigation systems as dams, canals, and water pans, according to type of soil, climatic characteristics, water supply, return flow, and other factors affecting irrigation requirements.

To conducts research on problems of soil drainage and conservation, applying knowledge of civil engineering.

To provide regular training on maintenance of irrigation systems particularly drip tape systems, and water pans

Participates in research to explore the extent to which agricultural water management technology adopted (micro-irrigation; alternate wet and dry irrigation; mulching; laser levelling; zero tillage etc.) are climate smart that is, does it save water and energy and produce more yield per unit of inputs.

Provide regular support to water development projects intended for irrigation purposes.

Promotion of irrigation technologies including research with local and international academic and research institutions in developing appropriate and affordable technologies

Technical support for all the Center Pivot Technologies in close collaboration with GAFCo and Valmont corporation and Nebraska university among other stakeholders

Qualifications: Education/Knowledge/Technical Skills and Experience
The following may be acquired through a combination of formal or self-education, prior experience or on-the-job training:

Minimum Qualification required:
BA/BSc Degree in Agric. Engineering, Agricultural Irrigation, or related field
Experience: At least two year experience in leadership for Irrigation Development projects
Added Value: Experience in working with grant funded development programs with adequate knowledge on program cycles.

Technical Skills & Abilities:

Skills in Programming.
Computer skills and statistical package.
Ability to work in teams
Skills in Research methodology
Analytical skills

Irrigation Specialist - World Vision Irrigation Specialist - World Vision Reviewed by Unknown on 3:20:00 AM Rating: 5
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