Partnerships and Fundraising Manager - Tanzania

Partnerships and Fundraising Manager

(27,012,076 TZS approx. gross)
We are now looking for a highly talented individual who will lead on developing relationships with bi- laterals, multilaterals, foundations and the private sector to secure multi-year investment to ensure we deliver on our national strategy and to seek opportunities which support business development such as new technologies to support programme excellence. You will work closely with the Senior Manager to enhance internal performance on programme development for fundraising, and grant management to ensure we report and manage our grants in line with donor terms and conditions. You will be a committed, target-driven and talented individual who will be part of our Management Committee, and will proactively engage in supporting leadership of the organisation.
Please submit a completed application by the closing date (CVs not accepted). Please download the full application pack here. Closing date for applications is 5 May 2013.
Partnerships and Fundraising Manager - Tanzania Partnerships and Fundraising Manager - Tanzania Reviewed by Unknown on 8:06:00 AM Rating: 5
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