Executive Director - Advisory Council on Child Survival in the DRC

The Advisory Council on Child Survival in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Council), as announced at the United States Agency for International Development's Call to Action for Child Survival, seeks a health expert who has experience working in sub-Saharan Africa to serve as its Executive Director.
The Council will act as a rallying voice to help bring an end to the death of Congolese children from preventable diseases. The Council will collaborate with local members of civil society, leaders of the DRC government, medical practitioners, faith-based organizations, and NGOs and will make specific recommendations on methods to improve child survival in DRC.
About the Position
The Executive Director will be responsible for bringing together the voices of the Council members and ensuring the production and dissemination of the Council's final recommendations and report. The Executive Director will work as a collaborative force with Council members. Through the Council, the Executive Director will endeavor to work with nongovernmental organizations fighting for child health on the ground and with the DRC government, and will be the main liaison between the DRC government and the Council.
Position Responsibilities
The Executive Director will assist the Council in its efforts to:
  • Identify best practices for child survival in Congo;
  • Enhance collaboration between the public sector, the private sector, and civil society on child survival issues;
  • Assist in the development of recommendations on a path forward to implement successful child survival-related activities;
  • Work with local community based organizations to identify strengths and weaknesses in maternal and child healthcare delivery; and to
  • Define clear goals, objectives, and procedures for Council operation, including the coordination of meetings of the Executive Council.
The ideal candidate should:
  • Have experience managing broad and successful partnerships;
  • Have 10+ years of experience in the child health sector;
  • Have at least a Master's Degree in a health-related field;
  • Have significant public speaking experience;
  • Be able to act as a spokesperson for the Council before various stakeholders and the press;
  • Be an exceptional researcher and writer with experience writing scholarly research for public dissemination;
  • Have a deep knowledge of the socio-cultural and -economic contexts in DRC;
  • Have a deep knowledge of the Great Lakes region of Africa;
  • Be willing to live in the DRC and travel 40% of the time; and
  • Be able to execute on large-scale deliverables in a timely fashion.
How to apply:
We regret we are not in a position to personally respond to all applicants
  • Email resume and cover letter to jobs@easterncongo.org
  • Ensure that the subject states "Executive Director of Advisory Council"
  • Candidates under consideration will be scheduled for a phone interview with successful candidates invited to interview in person.
Executive Director - Advisory Council on Child Survival in the DRC Executive Director - Advisory Council on Child Survival in the DRC Reviewed by Unknown on 9:46:00 AM Rating: 5
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