Sudan - Security/Field Coordinator

Assure effective implementation of security plan and procedures and actively represent the organization at El Fasher level. Coordination of field operations and collaboration with other departments for provision of timely support for program implementation. Descrizione e requisiti


· Manage the security implementation plan in program areas in all its aspects, including supervision of security guidelines implementation by COOPI staff in charge and emergency and evacuation procedures. Revise and establish specific duties and responsibilities and mechanisms for follow up.

· Organize training and regular updating on implementation of security procedures for COOPI staff.

· Assure that equipment related to security is properly functioning, which includes supervision of check up and maintenance procedures and timely replacement of equipment when necessary.

· Consult with aid agencies and other relevant stakeholders on the ongoing security situation as well as their security procedures. Assure that COOPI Sudan in El Fasher is actively part of the ongoing security network.

· Participate to ad hoc security coordination meetings in El Fasher.

· Coordinate regular collection of information from areas of intervention. Prepare Security reports and timely inform the Country Director on security matters.

· In coordination with the Country Director, regularly revise and update COOPI Sudan — Darfur internal security procedures.

Liaison and networking

· Coordination of liaison activities with the Government of Sudan bodies in El Fasher, which includes registration procedures, preparation of agreements, preparation of documentation for permits, etc.

· In coordination with the Country Director, represent the organization in coordination fora, with donors and with international and local agencies.

· Regularly participate to coordination meetings in El Fasher concerning implementation, operational and security matters. Assure that feedback of information is channeled internally.

^Coordination of field operations

· Proactively develop and implement operational procedures. Ensure adherence to systems that maximize the effectiveness of COOPI Sudan – Darfur resources throughout the Program.

· Supervision of the logistic department to guarantee timely and sound procurement process implementation and purchasing of goods and equipment for offices and programs, storage and delivery of items, guards, drivers and cleaners’ schedules, car movements.

· Participate directly in work of those supervised to provide hands-on training and support, inclusive of assistance in handling difficult situations.

· Prepare monthly, quarterly and annual statistical and narrative reports and other periodical reports as required.

Staff management

· Supervise, monitor and evaluate the staff depending directly by the SC in performance of their duties.

· Collaborate on assessment of staff skills to propose and organize relevant staff training and upgrading session.


· Previous experience in similar programmes in developing countries within an international NGO

· Relevant supervisory skills and guidance capacities in the implementation of projects and ability to support the national staff

· Excellent English (written and spoken)

· Excellent computer skills

· Attitude to work under pressure and in hardship conditions

Strong ability to support the international staff in the procurement process; to coordinate human and physical resources at best level

Starting date: as soon as possible Contract length: 9-10 months renewable

Duty station: El Fasher Sub-office, North Darfur, Sudan

Please send your application using the following link:

Sudan - Security/Field Coordinator Sudan - Security/Field Coordinator Reviewed by Unknown on 2:48:00 AM Rating: 5

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