Program Coordinator (M/F), Tanzania

MdM-France has been present in Tanzania, in the Kagera Region, since 1992, first covering paediatric primary health care, then HIV related activities such as Counselling and Testing (C&T), Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) and HIV Care & Treatment.

In October 2004 MdM-France set up collaboration with the Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University (CU), the ICAP and the CDC, to support the Government of Tanzania on the implementation of its National HIV Care & Treatment plan. This program ended in March 2010.

After having focalized for more than a decade on fighting HIV-transmission among the general population in Sub-Saharan Africa and advocating for access to ART in this context, MdM (Médecins du Monde) considered that encouraging prevention among vulnerable groups like MSM (men who have sex with men), IDU (intragroup drug users) and SW (sexual workers) was becoming more and more a priority both from an epidemiological and a political point of view.

In Tanzania, sexual minorities and drug users are criminalized and the most vulnerable and stigmatized populations exposed to HIV/AIDS and viral hepatitis. MdM-F conducted an exploratory mission in order to analyze the reality and the extent of the socio-sanitary problems affecting these vulnerable populations (IDU, MSM, SW) in Dar es Salam and Zanzibar during the first quarter of 2010.

Following the exploratory mission and its findings, MdM started a Harm Reduction Project for IDUs in Temeke district, Dar Es Salam in September 2010. A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between MdM, MoHSW and Temeke Council, stipulating the launch of a pilot Needle and Syringes Exchange Program. A mapping exercise of consumption sites of IDUs took place in November and December 2010 in Temeke. Since January 2011, outreach work has intensified and a Drop in Centre has been opened to the target group. After meetings with stakeholders and communities, the NSEP has also started. To accurately adapt its program, MdM conducted a Rapid Assessment and Response from March to June, interviewing and testing (HIV and HCV) more than 400 Drug Users. An experienced Program Coordinator has trained MdM team (7 Outreach Workers) on Harm reduction. She has also trained some medical personnel on the basic of Harm Reduction.


She/He is in charge of the operational management of the program.

She/he supervises and organises the implementation together with the Program Assistant and reports to the General Coordinator.

She/he produces monthly report.

More specifically:

  • She/he participates in program proposal writing and in preparation of the program budget; reporting and may represent action of MDM in meetings and other forums

  • She/he supports outreach work and interventions/activities within the cultural context and legal limits of the locality in order to reach the most hidden IDU population

  • She/he with the general coordinator ensures staff development plans are created, supported and delivered.

  • She/He participates in developing partnerships with local partners; ensure the good relations with them and the respect of the commitments.

  • She/he advocates for harm reduction programs amongst the local populations and local authorities

  • She/he collects, defines and analyses through incoming information from beneficiaries, medical and mental needs of the beneficiaries in order to achieve effective service focused programs for beneficiaries

  • She/he defines and ensures with staff and volunteers the involvement of IDUs and development of peer activities

  • She/He is in charge together with the General Coordinator and the Program Assistant of the monitoring and evaluation of the program and the possible publications; planning, management, implementation.

  • She/He carries continuous on the job training of MdM personnel on Harm reduction issues and other regular training sessions on agreed topics.

  • She/he initiates community HIV intervention activities

  • She/He provides and designs Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials regarding HIV/AIDS and drug related harms to drug users;

  • She/he contributes with research data and update articles to advocate for harm reduction programs and understanding of addiction care;

  • She/he contributes to the referral network among the existing health services for program beneficiaries and inform/train key persons in the referral network on harm reduction, addiction care and program activities in the light of HIV prevention; Initiates, advocates and participates in community HIV and hepatitis C intervention and harm reduction activities within geographical area of intervention and on national or program-exchange level if required.

Location: Dar es Salam


A degree in Public Health or related field

Professional Experience:

  • At least 3 years of working in Harm Reduction
  • Experience in the management of diverse and creative teams of staff
  • Experience in addiction related (medical) care and IDU contact
  • Experience in community based programming
  • Competencies in M&E
  • Working with health actors
  • Working on capacity building of local organizations
  • Writing reports and proposals

    Required Skills:

  • Sound knowledge of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C and harm reduction
  • Proven interest/ experience in advocacy and local counterpart cooperation/alliance building, capacity building.
  • Understanding of monitoring and evaluation
  • Good verbal and written communication skills
  • Good computer skills including MS Word and Excel PPT
  • Experience in training and scientific presentation


    Fluent English (oral and written) mandatory

    French and/or Swahili an asset

    Candidatate's assets:

  • Hard working, patient and diplomatic
  • Ability to work in a multi-cultural environment
  • Ability to lead a team
  • Good diplomatic skills
  • Ability to effectively communicate with other professionals and organisations
  • Ability to work on own initiative
  • Ability to make decisions and solve problems
  • Ability to prioritise workload
  • Ability to manage multiple tasks and responsibilities
  • Self-motivated and able to motivate others
  • Non-judgemental approach to others


    12 months (renewable)

    Starting: 01/09/2011

    Contract: VOLUNTEER (French law)

    Monthly allowance: 915 euros / months (+ perdiem)

    Family posting possible

    To apply, please send a CV and a cover letter via our website:

    MdM reserves the right to close any vacancy before the end of the advertised deadline. Thank you for your understanding.

Program Coordinator (M/F), Tanzania Program Coordinator (M/F), Tanzania Reviewed by Unknown on 11:33:00 AM Rating: 5

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