Malaria Control Consultant

  1. Purpose of assignment: On January 15th, 2010, UNICEF was designated a Principal recipient for GFATM TB and Malaria grants in DPRK. The grants’ negotiations and final approvals were February and May respectively. The DPRK is now moving towards Phase 2 of the Global Fund Grant cycle and requires support from an external consultant to support the activities

  2. Programme area and specific project involved: UNICEF, Global Fund.

  3. Duty Station: The technical Assistance will take place in Pyongyang, DPR Korea, with regular supportive meetings with different stakeholders and institutions. Visits to the field may be required.

  4. Supervisor: Senior Programme Specialist, Global Fund

  5. Major Tasks to be accomplished: Review all program documents related to Malaria related to Phase 1. This includes the National Strategy, Action Plan and M&E Plan, Performance Framework, the original proposal, both the original and reprogrammed PSM plans, the detailed budgets and workplans and review the GF requirements for Phase 2 of Round 8

Liase with all partners (WHO – SR and the Ministry of Health) to better understand the progress to date and way forward.

Facilitation of workshops with partners to identify gaps in the program in the first two years, strengths and weakness, and key challenges and lessons learned. The consultant must be able to articulate these clearly and concisely in the GF proposal for Request for Continued Funding for Phase 2.

The consultant will finalize the reformulation/ adaptation of all key program documents, indicators, activities and procurement anticipated over the next three years of the project.

The consultant will draft the documents required for an extension of funding for the first quarter of year three to ensure procurement and implementation of selected items and all planned activities respectively.

Ensure appropriate linkages are established between all work plans, Performance Framework and budgets

  1. Deliverables i. Workplan and agenda for the duration of the consultancy ii. Final Draft program documents (Revised PSM plan, Performance Framework, Workplan and Budget) and GF proposal for Request for Continued Funding for Phase 2.

  2. Duration 4 weeks with a possibility of extension of 2 weeks

  3. Qualification or specialized knowledge/experience required: i. Education - Undergraduate degree in health or related field and post graduate degree in public health or related field
    ii. Work Experience - At least 10 years of relevant professional work experience in health or related fields. Both national and international work experience in Public Health Programs or related fields and preferable in Malaria control and pre-elimination strategies. Experience developing proposals with the with Global Fund activities iii. Skills - Excellent knowledge and understanding of the Global Fund Cycle of funding; excellent experience and track record of proposal writing; good listening skills iv. Language Proficiency - Fluency in English

Interested candidates should submit an up-to-date UN Personal History Form (P-11), Curriculum Vitae, a letter of interest outlining relevant experience for the tasks, including information about where they are currently based on or before 8 August 2011 directly to this e-mail address with cc: to . Please state in the subject line: “Malaria Drug Control Consultant”.

The United Nations Personal History P11 form can be downloaded from UNICEF website at

Malaria Control Consultant Malaria Control Consultant Reviewed by Unknown on 11:03:00 AM Rating: 5

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