Kenya Red Cross Society Job Vacancies

Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) is a humanitarian relief organisation created by an Act of Parliament, Cap 256 of the Laws of Kenya on 21st December 1965. Its vision is to be the most effective, trusted and self-sustaining humanitarian organisation in Kenya.

The KRCS has acquired funding from the European Union and the Danish Red Cross through the recently concluded 10th European Development Fund ACP-EU Water Facility Call for proposals.

The funding secured is for implementing the “Isiolo Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Community Project for Drought-Prone Arid and Semi-Arid Lands” whose overall objective is to contribute to MDGs, improve health status and reduce vulnerability of rural communities living in arid and semi-arid lands of Kenya (Isiolo, Garbatulla and Samburu East Districts).

Arising from the above, the KRCS is looking for qualified people to fill the following positions:

Position Title: Project Coordinator (1 Position)
Reporting to: Regional Water and Sanitation Officer
Job Location: Isiolo

Overall Purpose

The successful candidate will be responsible and accountable to the Regional WatSan Officer to plan, execute, and finalize the EU and DRC funded “Isiolo Water, Sanitation and Hygiene community project for drought-prone arid and semi-arid lands” at the field level in accordance with EU guidelines, planned deadlines and within the proposed budget.

The successful candidate will be expected to coordinate the efforts of team members, local associates and third-party contractors or consultants in order to implement project deliverables according to plan.

Duties and Responsibilities
  • With the involvement of all key stakeholders, project staff and the community at the field level, design, plan, implement and evaluate all the project deliverables in line with EU guidelines at the field level.
  • Plan and schedule project timeframes and key indicators to be achieved throughout the project cycle while proactively managing changes in project scope, identify potential crises and devise contingency plans
  • Continuously build the capacity of all team members at the field level to ensure EU procurement and visibility guidelines and reporting formats (narrative and financials) and deadlines are adhered to.
  • Overall technical, administrative and financial supervision of all aspects pertinent to the project including management of staff at the field level in the three Districts
  • Facilitate the timely implementation and evaluation of all interventions of the project with the involvement of the communities, local associates and other implementing stakeholders.
  • Overall budget management at the field level while ensuring all funds are absorbed as planned and are eligible, proactively advice utilization of savings where they are realized and ensure that all budget expenditures are coded with the KRCS and EU budget codes
  • Coordinate the construction of water and sanitation facilities and community-based safe and affordable water and sanitation capacity building programme aimed at strengthening the capacities of staff, volunteers and the community to not only adopt safe water, sanitation and hygiene practices but also take ownership, operate, maintain and manage in a sustainable manner the initiated projects
  • Conduct training needs assessment and training for the local associates in identified training gaps to strengthen their capacities
  • Facilitate at field level the conducting of water, hygiene and sanitation surveys/studies/research/evaluations/assessments including: technical baseline surveys, preparatory water resource studies, applied research, mid term and final evaluations and Environmental Impact Assessments.
  • Implement strategies for strengthening collaborative partnerships with stakeholders, donors, government agencies, the private sector and other players
  • Prepare periodic progress reports and annual reports showing achievements against planned targets as well as providing justification for performance variances and areas of improvement, while incorporating results based monitoring, evaluation and reporting. In addition, ensure that all narrative and financial reports are in line with EU requirements and deadlines.
Minimum Qualifications
  • Under-graduate qualification in public health or community development.
  • Experience in working in similar geographic areas and in the management of large EU funded programmes will be an added advantage.
  • Over three (3) years experience in management of water, sanitation and hygiene projects
  • Demonstrated extensive experience in project management
Key Competencies
  • Technical knowledge of water, sanitation and hygiene promotion, trends and goals at all levels aimed at providing access to safe and affordable water and sanitation services to communities., Knowledge on PHAST, CTC and CLTS will be an added advantage
  • Strong leadership, team building and conflict resolution skills with the ability to deliver the Society’s strategic objectives
  • Strong oral and written communication and presentation skills in both English and Kiswahili, including ability to develop timely reports and prepare relevant publications
  • Demonstrated experience in technical and logistical aspects of water, sanitation and hygiene promotion programming, public health issues and water and sanitation related hardware infrastructure
Position Title: Water & Sanitation Project Officers - Software (3 Positions)
Reporting to: Project Coordinator
Job Location: (Garbatulla, Isiolo and Wamba)

Overall Purpose

The successful candidate will be responsible and accountable to the Project Coordinator for effective planning and implementing community-based safe and affordable water and sanitation software interventions under the EU and DRC funded “Isiolo Water, Sanitation and Hygiene community project for drought-prone arid and semi-arid lands”.

Other duties include, strengthening the community’s capacity to adopt safe water, sanitation and hygiene practices as well as take ownership, operate, maintain and manage in a sustainable manner the initiated projects.

Duties and Responsibilities
  • Contribute to the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of Water & Sanitation Software projects assigned and specifically coordinate software components of these projects with other team members who may be responsible for other components of the projects.
  • Implement community-based safe and affordable water and sanitation capacity building programme aimed at strengthening the local associates staff, volunteers and community to not only adopt safe water, sanitation and hygiene practices but also take ownership, operate, maintain and manage in a sustainable manner the initiated projects.
  • Initiate community consultation and sensitization campaigns on implementation of community capacity building programmes as well as mobilize the community to participate in watsan projects and take ownership of the projects.
  • Participate in the implementation and evaluation of capacity building programmes aimed at equipping and strengthening the community and volunteers with capacity to provide community-based training on water, sanitation and hygiene
  • Participate in conducting water, hygiene and sanitation surveys/studies/ research/evaluations/assessments including: technical baseline surveys, preparatory water resource studies, applied research, mid term and final evaluations and Environmental Impact Assessments.
  • Implement strategies for strengthening collaborative partnerships with stakeholders, donors, government agencies, the private sector and other players
  • Execute quality results based reporting in line with EU reporting requirements and deadlines showing achievements against planned targets as well as providing justification for performance variances and areas of improvement.
Minimum Qualifications
  • Diploma in Community Development, Public Health, Social Sciences or equivalent qualifications
  • Two (2) years experience in planning, implementing and evaluating water, sanitation and hygiene programmes in development context. Experience in working in similar geographic areas and in implementing software projects funded by EU will be an added advantage.
Key Competencies
  • Knowledge on PHAST, CTC and CLTS methodologies
  • Experience in implementing software projects, trends and goals at all levels aimed at ensuring the adoption of safe water, sanitation and hygiene practices by the community
  • Demonstrated proficiency in computer applications such as word processing, spreadsheets, data-base, email and utilization of the internet
  • Ability to operate a motor-cycle will be an added advantage
Position Title: Water & Sanitation Project Officers - Hardware (3 Positions)
Reporting to: Project Coordinator
Job Location: (Garbatulla, Isiolo and Wamba)

Overall Purpose

The successful candidate will be responsible and accountable to the Project Coordinator for effective planning, design and implementation of community based safe and affordable water and sanitation project infrastructure facilities under the EU and DRC funded “Isiolo Water, Sanitation and Hygiene community project for drought-prone arid and semi-arid lands”.

Other duties include, strengthening the community’s capacity to operate, maintain and manage in a sustainable manner the installed infrastructure facilities.

Duties and Responsibilities
  • Contribute to the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of Watsan hardware projects assigned and specifically coordinate Watsan hardware components of these projects with other team members
  • Prepare BOQs and designs for identified water and sanitation infrastructure facilities
  • Identify specifications for the procurement of water and sanitation equipment, machinery and related hardware according to identified and prioritized needs
  • Spearhead the construction of water supply systems (bore-holes, sand dams, shallow wells, pipelines, rain water harvesting systems & springs) and sanitation facilities (household improved latrines and Ecosan latrines)
  • Identify and map sites for construction of water and sanitation facilities in close collaboration with the Local Associates and beneficiary communities and in line with defined priorities.
  • Implement community consultation and sensitization campaigns on implementation of new water and sanitation systems; as well mobilize volunteers to participate in watsan projects
  • Implement community-based safe and affordable water and sanitation capacity building programme aimed at strengthening the local associates staff, volunteers and community to take ownership, operate, maintain and manage in a sustainable manner the installed water and sanitation infrastructure facilities
  • Participate in the implementation and evaluation of the hardware interventions in close collaboration with all stakeholders
  • Participate in the conducting of water, hygiene and sanitation surveys/studies/research/evaluations/assessments including: technical baseline surveys, preparatory water resource studies, applied research, mid term and final evaluations and Environmental Impact Assessments.
  • Implement strategies for strengthening collaborative partnerships with stakeholders, donors, government agencies, the private sector and other players
  • Execute quality results based reporting in line with EU reporting requirements and deadlines showing achievements against planned targets as well as providing justification for performance variances and areas of improvement.
Minimum Qualifications
  • Diploma in Water Engineering or equivalent qualifications
  • Two (2) years experience in planning, implementing and evaluating community-based safe and affordable water and sanitation project infrastructure facilities in developmental context.
  • Experience in working in similar geographic areas and in implementing EU funded projects will be an added advantage.
Key Competencies
  • Technical knowledge in the design of water supply systems (bore-holes, sand dams, shallow wells, pipelines, rain water harvesting systems & springs) and sanitation facilities (household improved latrines and Ecosan latrines), preparation of BOQs and drawings for the same.
  • Demonstrated ability to design, plan, implement and evaluate water, sanitation and hygiene programmes in development context utilizing relevant engineering software’s including the latest AutoCAD version
  • Demonstrated ability to implement and supervise the construction of various water and sanitation systems including boreholes and sand dams with solar pumping, rain water harvesting systems, shallow wells, spring protection, pipeline extensions, household latrines in areas with sandy and rocky terrains and Ecosan latrines.
  • Demonstrate wide knowledge on water quality monitoring and surveys (EIA, Preparatory water resources studies, technical baselines and other engineering surveys) for project designs and prioritizations.
  • Ability to operate a motor-cycle
Position Title: Project Accountant (1 Position)
Reporting to: Regional Finance Officer
Job Location: Isiolo

Overall Purpose

Responsible to the Regional Finance Officer for overall financial management in line with EU guidelines on financial reporting at the field level related to the EU and DRC funded “Isiolo Water, Sanitation and Hygiene community project for drought-prone arid and semi-arid lands”.

Other duties include maintaining of financial records, processing of working advances, preparation of project returns and reports, reconciling and balancing accounts as well as posting and compiling monthly reports to show records related to financial operations in the field.

Also receiving and disbursing money as well as processing and validating checks in accordance with approved policy

Duties and Responsibilities
  • Coordinate at the field level the execution of the project budget expenditures in line with the approved budget
  • In consultation with the project coordinator, ensure overall budget management at the field level while ensuring all funds are absorbed as planned and are eligible in terms of EU guidelines.
  • In addition, proactively advice utilization of savings where they are foreseen and ensure that all expenditures are coded with KRCS and EU codes.
  • In consultation with the project coordinator, ensure timely request of funds from the HQ and disbursement of funds according to the planned activities
  • Regularly offer financial advice to all team members especially regarding compliance with EU financial guidelines
  • Ensure EU financial reporting requirement and deadlines are adhered to, codes and formats are respected and adhered to by all team members.
  • Receive cash or banker’s cheques, recording financial transactions, counting money to verify amounts and issuing receipts for funds received.
  • Prepare bank deposit slips in order to ensure that all collections are promptly banked in accordance with accounting procedures.
  • Disburse cash and writing vouchers and cheques in order to make payment against specified expenditure requisitions.
  • Prepare cheque payments and refund claims and ensure that payments are made against verifiable accounting documents.
  • Post data and balance accounts as well as compile collections, disbursements and bank reconciliation reports.
  • Maintain complete records of all financial transactions such as payment vouchers, receipts and other documents in accordance with accounting procedures.
  • Reconcile the cashbook with bank statements and checking balances against verifiable documents on a monthly basis.
  • Prepare monthly revenue, expenditure returns, financial statements and reports to cover specified periods.
  • Prepare budget for specific projects in collaboration with the officer in charge
  • Prepare returns of activities performed during the financial year
  • Maintain an assets register for the project
Minimum Qualifications
  • CPA (K) or equivalent ACCA final level qualifications or a Bachelors Degree in a Business Related Field with CPA Part (II), Section 4.
  • Experience in financial management of EU funded projects will be an added advantage.
  • At least two years experience in a busy accounts/ finance office
Key Competencies
  • Knowledge of administrative, accounting and financial procedures and systems
  • Demonstrated competence in financial and accounting, posting and processing accounts.
  • Proficiency in computer applications especially, word processing, database and spreadsheets, computerized accounting systems including use of the e-mail, the internet as well as local and wide area network systems.
Applications must contain:

A letter of application, curriculum vitae, copies of academic certificates, address and contacts of two referees.

All applications should be sent to:

The Secretary General
Kenya Red Cross Society
P. O. Box 40712-00100

So as to reach him not later than Friday, 12th August 2011
Kenya Red Cross Society Job Vacancies Kenya Red Cross Society Job Vacancies Reviewed by Unknown on 3:36:00 AM Rating: 5

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