technical assistance to APFH project (BTC)

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Rwanda - MINAGRI - and the BTC, Belgian development agency, Kigali (Rwanda) launch a tender for a national or a regional (East Af­rica) consultant to carry out the technical assistance to the Rwanda Horticulture Support Project (APFH) / RWA0705611 phasing out. This tender is administered under the Belgian law.

Specifications related to this tender are included in the terms of reference (ToR) of the study. The bidding document is available for free download on BTC website at This bidding document can also be obtained from the Representation of BTC via an e-mail sent at the following address:

Interested consultants can introduce their technical and financial bids which include:

  • An updated CV detailing academic credentials (including years of matriculation), past employment record, language proficiency (written and spoken), professional record rel­evant to the desired profile as well as the reference persons,
  • Copies of academic certificates;
  • A concise description of the bidder's experience in the field of agriculture (detailed re­quired profile is described in the Terms of Reference);
  • A methodological proposal
  • A signed act of availability throughout the course of the assignment (September to De­cember 2011);
  • A bid in Euro indicating the proposed daily fees as well as the total amount (tax excluding) according to the following format:


Fees in Euro

Number of days

Total cost in Euro (tax excl.)

Daily fees


BTC invites interested bidders to submit their offers within the framework of this tender at the latest on Monday August 2th, 2011 at 10h00 am local time.

Bids will be opened in a public session in the offices of BTC on the same day at 10h30 local time.

technical assistance to APFH project (BTC) technical assistance to APFH project (BTC) Reviewed by Unknown on 4:52:00 AM Rating: 5

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