Area Coordinator - Kurmuk

GOAL has been working in Sudan since 1984. GOAL currently has 6 programme sites throughout Sudan: North Darfur, Kassala, Blue Nile, Warrap, Upper Nile, and Abyei. The current GOAL programme focuses on four main sectors: primary health care, women’s education (REFLECT), water, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH), and sustainable livelihoods. GOAL’s programmes in Blue Nile are located in Kurmuk Locality.

General Description of the Role: The Area Coordinator is responsible, as the most senior field staff, for all GOAL programme activities in the project location. The AC should have a good top-level knowledge and understanding of all activities in their location, in particular they should be aware of the constraints faced by their team and be actively working with their teams to manage these constraints and trouble shoot problems as the arise.

Overall Objectives of the position: The AC is responsible for all activities in their programme site; this responsibility covers the operational/support functions (Human Resources, Logistics, Finance & Admin, and Security) and direct programme activities (Primary Health Care, Watsan, Construction and Livelihoods) and included coordination, programme planning and overseeing the day-to-day operations of senior field staff.

To ensure good management of GOAL’s programme activities in the geographical location, the AC is responsible for ensuring that the programmes receive the maximum possible level of support from to the Operational/Support functions. This will involve ensuring: 1. Proper planning by the programme departments to ensure programme implementation in accordance with the donor proposals 2. Good, timely coordination between the different programme departments and Operational/Support functions. 3. An understanding by all parties of the constraints faced by other departments. 4. The efficient performance of the Operational/Support functions. 5. If required the AC has a role to play resolving any conflicts between the different departments.

Key Duties General • Oversee day-to-day operations of senior staff in Blue Nile State. Including line management responsibility for Programme Managers and various Operations staff. • Submit weekly and monthly reports and provide input for donor reports and proposals. • Accompany donor representatives and other official visitors. • Liaise closely with Khartoum technical support staff on programming issues.
• Implement other tasks as identified by the CD.

• In collaboration with the Khartoum-based ACD Programmes, coordinate the design of programmes • Through coordination and programme planning, ensure programme implementation in accordance with the donor proposals. • Develop with Programme Managers detailed work plans (Programme Management Plans) to cover programme activities. • Monitor the day to day implementation of the agreed work plans to ensure programmes objectives are realised in accordance with the programme contracts. • Undertake frequent visits to monitor programme activity in the field. • Identify new project opportunities and develop new programmes. • Liaise with Khartoum-based technical staff, review Terms of Reference for field visits and provide weekly updates on progress of the ToRs while technical staff are in the field.

Coordination • Coordinate with the Local Authorities, State Ministry of Health, UN agencies and NGOs in Blue Nile State. • Ensure that GOAL is represented at appropriate coordination meetings. • Manage and facilitate internal liaison between the various GOAL departments in Blue Nile. • Monitor coordination between field-based Programme Managers and Khartoum Technical Team and report any issues to the CD/ACD-P/ACD Ops.

Security • Assume responsibility for the security of all GOAL personnel and assets in Blue Nile State. • Implement GOAL Security Guidelines and Procedures. • Make sure all staff are familiar with GOAL’s Security Guidelines.
• Ensure all office and accommodation meet basic security standards, including fire prevention. • Monitor the security situation and advise the Country Director of any changes or adverse conditions affecting staff safety or project operations in the region.

Personnel • Ensure compliance with the GOAL HR Manual. • Oversee all locally recruited staff HR issues. • Liaise closely with the HR Manager and the Assistant Country Director – Operation on HR issues. • Oversee the preparation of the payroll. • Ensure implementation of staff appraisals when required by the HR department

Logistical • Ensure that GOAL Sudan Logistical procedures are adhered to at all times. • Coordinate with the Country Office to ensure all logistical requirements are provided in a timely and cost effective manner. • Ensure that all communication equipment is working satisfactorily and that staff receive proper training in the use of communication devices.

Financial • Oversee Kurmuk Finance department. • Adhere to GOAL Sudan Financial procedures at all times and inform GOAL’s Financial Controller of all cash requirements and other financial issues. • Maintain accurate records of financial expenditure. • Assume responsibility as primary budget holder for programme budget. • In coordination with the Programme Managers, plan budgets, develop spending plans, and track actual spends through the use of Budget Management Tools.

Requirements: • At least three years previous overseas experience with an international Agency in humanitarian programmes in a management position. • Proven experience in managing a team and proven staff management and personnel skills. Experience in post recovery or development programmes. • Experience in liaising with government officials, donors and other agencies. Financial management skills. • Ability to self-start and work in remote locations.

Reporting to: Country Director Salary: Dependent on experience Contract Length: 12 months

If you would like to apply for the above role, please send your CV and covering letter to applications@goal.ioe

Area Coordinator - Kurmuk Area Coordinator - Kurmuk Reviewed by Unknown on 3:03:00 AM Rating: 5

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