Project Officer – Social Services

Kenya Red Cross Society is one of the largest humanitarian organisations in Kenya.

Its vision is to be the most effective, most trusted and self-sustaining humanitarian organisation in Kenya.
The Society is looking for a qualified person to fill the following position:
Position Title: Project Officer – Social Services
Reporting to: Branch Cordinator
Job Location: Turkana
Overall purpose
Responsible to the Branch Coordinator for providing community based social services to identified groups, individuals and families with a focus on People With Disabilities (PWDs) within Turkana County.

The overall objective is to provide technical support to the branch to ensure that PWDs have access to KRCS emergency and post emergency interventions in Turkana under the current tripartite agreement between Kenya Red Cross, APDK and CBM.
In many instances, the Project officer will have to take his/her own decisions independently without consultations when faced with extra ordinary situations.

The case load may include dealing vulnerable children, adults and youth with disabilities with complex needs.
Duties and Responsibilities
  • Provide technical support within Turkana County (Branch) to mainstream PWDs in emergency focusing on establishment of systems and capacity building of volunteers and staff in disability friendly packs.
  • Integrate PWDs activities into other programs and undertake joint planning and implementation.
  • Contribute in the design, development, implementation and evaluation of capacity building programs aimed equipping staff, volunteers and communities with skills to mainstream and implement disability friendly projects and activities.
  • Work within KRCS sites to integrate PWDs in the on-going school feeding and other related programs.
  • Provide services to the aged and handicapped in order to facilitate the access to services.
  • Adopt and update M & E tools to capture incidents of abuse, facilitate medical or psychological examinations and referrals where necessary.
  • Provide mental health services and ensure adherence with code of ethics and other global guidelines focusing on psychological first aid for survivors to enhance resilience.
  • Co-ordinate printing and dissemination of IEC materials and policy documents for sensitization, and awareness on the project.
  • Representation at meetings, workshops and other forums to promote and lobby issues related to PWDs.
Minimum Qualifications
  • Bachelor of Arts Degree in Social Work from a recognized institution.
  • At least three years experience in a similar position preferably an NGO. Training in occupational safety and sign language would be an added advantage.
  • Knowledge of social work theories, practices and procedures.
  • Knowledge and understanding of all pertinent legislations and policies including the Constitution, the KDHS, the Child and family services Act, psychosocial functioning theories and practices and child protection theories, the Survey Report on Persons with Disabilities, the Sphere Project and the Health Cluster Handbook.
Key Competencies
  • An understanding of disaster and crisis management and the ability to deal with life threatening situations including first aid.
  • Be flexible, adaptable and able to work effectively in a variety of settings in a cross cultural situation and have knowledge of the range of services and resources available in the community.
  • S/he must have well developed organizational, verbal and written communication and computer skills.
  • Proficiency in word processing, database, spreadsheet applications and computerised procurement and stores software packages.
Applications must contain: Letter of application, curriculum vitae, copies of relevant certificates, address and contacts of two referees.
All applications should be sent to:
The Secretary General
Kenya Red Cross Society
P. O. Box 40712-00100
So as to reach him not later than Friday, 8th June 2012.
Project Officer – Social Services Project Officer – Social Services Reviewed by Unknown on 1:18:00 AM Rating: 5

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