Consultant Services - Fisheries Sector South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Project

Regional Management Unit, C/o Kenya Marine and Fisheries
Research Institute, P.O. Box 81651-80100, Mombasa, Kenya.
Telephone:+254-208023924 Fax:+254 (0) 41 2001133,



Fisheries Chapter for Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) of the Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems

The Government of Kenya has received financing, (on behalf of the Union of Comoros, Republic of Madagascar, Republic of Mauritius, Republic of Mozambique, United Republic of Tanzania, Republic of Seychelles and Republic of South Africa) from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) acting as an Implementing Agency for the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) (hereinafter called “Grant”) toward the cost of South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Project (SWIOFP) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for specialist consultant services under the Component 6 of the project.

As part of the TDA/SAP process a need has been identified to develop a fisheries chapter to contribute to the overall TDA of the Agulhas and Somalia Large Marine Ecosystem. The SWIOFP is in the process of completing retrospective analyses on the crustacean, demersal, pelagic fisheries and associated biodiversity, which should be used as the basis. The ASCLME and SWIOFP have also jointly carried out a Causal Chain Analysis (CCAS), the results of which should be validated against the information provided in the retrospective analysis reports, the SWIOFC working parties and scientific Committee reports and any other relevant reports. The Consultant is expected to work closely with the ASCLME project counterpart as both projects intend to have only one TDA for the ASCLME region.

A Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) is a scientific and technical assessment, employed in all GEF IW (International Waters) projects, through which the water-related environmental issues and problems of a region are identified and quantified, their causes analysed and their impacts, both environmental and economic, assessed. The analysis involves an identification of impacts (socio-economic and environmental) and direct, underlying and root causes at national, regional, and global levels and the socio-economic, political and institutional context within which they occur. The identification of the causes would specify sources, locations, and sectors.

The purpose of conducting a Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) is to scale the relative importance of sources and causes, both immediate and root, of transboundary ‘waters’ problems, and to identify potential preventive and remedial actions. The actions identified through the TDA provide the technical basis for development of a Strategic Action Programme (SAP).

The SWIOFP now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services described in the scope of study below, by submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI). The EOI must provide information indicating that the applicant is qualified to perform the services and has in the past involved in providing such services. The consultant should have an advanced degree in marine science with demonstrable years of relevant experience in a fisheries or marine research. Relevant work experience and good understanding of the fisheries in the SWIO regions and the SWIOFP Project is important. Strong report-writing skills are required.

A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (2006 Edition). Interested consultants may obtain further information from the SWIOFP website (, or via e-mail to

Scope of Study

There will be two main outputs for this consultancy (1) a synthesis report which will consolidate the findings from the retrospective analyses, and (2) the TDA Fisheries Chapter, which will identify the priority interventions for inclusion in the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) to address underlying/root causes of priority issues, including filling of knowledge gaps, legal, policy, and institutional reforms, investments, economic instruments, awareness raising and stakeholder involvement.

(1) The Synthesis Report, will consolidate the findings from the retrospective analyses of the three fisheries (crustaceans, demersal, pelagic), biodiversity and other management related outputs. The report should provide an analysis of the similarities and differences across the three fisheries ecosystems and its biodiversity and management, and allow for the identification of “hotspots” in each of the fisheries ecosystems to be flagged as potential SAP intervention areas. The synthesis report will provide the basis for the TDA Fisheries Chapter.

(2) The TDA Fisheries Chapter will use the findings of the synthesis report to consolidate the ASCLME / SWIOFP TDA Causal Chain Analysis process, infilling knowledge gaps where possible. The chapter will recommend possible interventions (targets) to address the underlying / root causes of the priority issues for inclusion in the SAP. The chapter will also identify the major knowledge/data needs (gaps) in baseline information and a suite of appropriate indicators (including environmental status and stress reduction indicators) focusing on fisheries and biodiversity, and its management, to be included in the monitoring and evaluation framework in the SAP. The successful consultant will need to work closely with the SWIOFP Project manager and ASCLME Project Management Unit in the development of the TDA Chapter to ensure consistency of this chapter with the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis as a whole.

The work should be completed at the latest 31st August 2012 and maximum 8 week’s duration.

The deadline for lodging an EOI is 1200 hrs (East African) on 1st June 2012. Expressions of Interest (EOI) must be lodged by email ( or by courier to Mr Rondolph Payet, Regional Executive Secretary, SWIOFP, Regional Management Unit C/o KMFRI, English Road Mombasa, and P.O. BOX 81651 - 80100 KENYA. Tel: +254208023924, Fax: +254412001133. If by submitting email please put in the subject line the following “EOI Fisheries Chapter for Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) of the Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems”.
Consultant Services - Fisheries Sector South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Project Consultant Services - Fisheries Sector South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Project Reviewed by Unknown on 12:52:00 AM Rating: 5

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